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亞東技術學院教師產學研究計畫成果報告 永磁式同步馬達伺服驅動器之研發 Development of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Drives 計畫編號: 96-5-03-007 執行期限:97 年2月 1日至 97 年11月 30日 主持人:廖峻慶 單位名稱:電機系 計劃參與人:洪偉哲、吳明龍 合作廠商:領眾科技股份有限公司 摘要 本計畫之目的在發展永磁式同步伺服馬達驅動器,利用馬達轉軸解角器輸出之訊號 迴授轉子位置,以磁場導向方法控制永磁式同步伺服馬達之轉速及位置。使用解角器具 有良好解析度及精確度,特別在低速下更能突顯此優點,本計畫利用德儀公司之數位訊 號處理器 TMS320F 2808作為主要控制核心並實現解角器轉軸位置之計算,不需增加額外 成本即能解讀解角器之輸出轉軸位置資訊。在d-q同步座標軸下,由 TMS320F 2808波寬 調變介面產生三相空間波寬調變訊號控制同步伺服馬達電流,可增加伺服馬達的動態響 應及運轉效率。本計畫以 4極、2kW 、190V 、2000rpm 之永磁式同步伺服馬達作為受控 制,由實驗結果可見所研製之同步伺服馬達驅動器具有轉矩、速度及位置之控制能力, 對於負載變動亦有良好的抗干擾特性。 關鍵詞:同步伺服馬達,解角器,空間波寬調變 ABSTRACT The objective of this project is to develop a drive of permanent magnet synchronous servomotor (PMSM). The resolver is used to feedback the rotor position for controlling motor speed and position with the field oriented technology. It has high resolution and accuracy especially during lower speed operation. This project uses TI digital signal processor TMS320F2808 specially designed for motor control and power electronics applications to realize the proposed shaft measuring scheme without any extra cost. In d-q synchronous frame, The ePWM interface outputs of TMS320F2808 are used to control the motor currents in order to speed up the dynamic response and increase the operation efficiency. A 4 poles, 2kW, 190V, 2000rpm PMSM is used as the controlled plant of the developed drives. The experimental results show that the servo drives not only possesses control capabilities of torque, current and position but also has good load disturbance rejection. Keywords :permanent magnet synchronous servomotor, resolver, space vector modulation


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