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第9 卷 第6 期 交 通 运 输 工 程 学 报 Vol19 No1 6 2009 年12 月 Journal of T raffic and T ransportation Engineering Dec. 2009 : 1671-1637( 2009) 06- 00 9-0 王美令, 陈 果 ( , 210016) : 提出了一种基于连续梁模型的 算转子支承系统临界转速的方法, 将转轴考虑为等截 面自由欧拉梁模型, 轴承对转轴的支承力以及转盘与转轴的作用力均以集中力的形式作用于转 轴梁上, 运用模态截断法, 将系统偏微分方程转化为常微分方程组, 运用新型快速显式数值积分 方法获取转子系统的响应及其临界转速, 运用 ZT-3 型多功能转子试验器进行了试验验证结 果表明: 相同参数条件下, 试验临界转速和 算临界转速均在 00 r # min- 1 左右, 表明了 算 方法的正确性和有效性 : 航空发动机; 转子支承系统; 临界转速; 连续梁模型; 模态截断 : V231. 96 : A Computational method of critical speed for rotor-bearing system WANG M e-i ling, CHEN Guo ( School of Civil Aviation, Nanjing U niversit y of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing 210016, Jiangsu, China) Abstract: A computational method of the critical speed of rotor-bearing system based on the continuous beam model w as proposed. Rotor shaft w as considered as equisection Euler free beam model. T he supporting forces from bearings and the forces betw een shaft and rotor disks acted on shaft in the form of concentrated force. With modal truncation method, the partial differential equation of the system w as transformed into ordinary differential equation set. The systemps responses and critical speed w ere obtained by numerical integral method. ZT-3 type mult-i function rotor test rig w as used to verify the new method. T he calculating critical speed is the - 1 same as the actual one, w hich is about 00 r # min , so the new method is correct and effective. 2 tabs, 2 figs, 10 refs. Key words: aeroengine; rotor-bearing system; critical speed; continuous beam model; modal truncation Author resumes: WAN


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