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教育科学学院 本科毕业论文 论 文 题 目: 教师介入幼儿游戏方式的研究 学生姓名: 专 业: 学前教育 班 级: 学 号: 指导教师: 二○一五 年 四 月 教师介入幼儿游戏方式的研究 摘要 游戏是幼儿的基本活动,是幼儿认识世界、探索世界的最有效途径,也是最符合幼儿身心发展需要的活动形式。基于幼儿的年龄特征和身心发展水平特征,在幼儿游戏中教师的适时适当的指导能有效地促进幼儿的全面、健康发展。本文通过在实习期间对幼儿的观察记录,立足于实践,观察教师在幼儿游戏中的反应以及做出反应的具体时机,为教师选择正确的介入方式提供了依据。经研究发现,教师介入游戏的时间和方式的选择至关重要,直接影响着游戏的有效性和幼儿的游戏体验。教师只有对游戏中的教师身份有明确的认识,经过细致的观察分析,选择恰当的时机和适宜的介入方式,才能确保教师的介入成为有效介入。 关键词 幼儿游戏 ;教师观察 ;教师介入 Abstract Children’s basic activity is the game, is the most effective way to understand the world, explore the world of children, which is the most consistent with the form of activity needs for physical and mental development of children. The children’s age characteristic and physical and mental development level based on the characteristics of teachers in children’s games, in a timely and appropriate guidance can be effective in promoting the comprehensive, healthy development of children. In this paper, through internships during the children’s observation records, based on practice, teachers in the observed reaction in children’s games and the specific time to react, and provides a basis for the teachers to choose the correct way of intervention. The study found that, it is essential to choose the time and manner of the teachers involved in the game, directly affects the effectiveness of the game and children’s experience of the game. Only when the teachers in the game as the identity of teachers has a clear understanding, after careful observation and analysis, choose the right time and appropriate intervention, to ensure that teachers’ intervention become effective intervention. Keywords Childrens games; Teachers to observe; Teachers involved in 目录 摘要…………………………………………………………………………………………II Abstract………………………………………………………………………………… III 一、国内外关于教师介入游戏的研究……………………………………………………1 (一)国外的研究………………………………………………………


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