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* 1. 2.载波相位差分原理 载波相位差分技术又称RTK(Real Time Kinematic)技术,是实时处理两个测站载波相位观测量的差分方法。即是将基准站采集的载波相位发给用户接收机,进行求差解算坐标。 载波相位差分可使定位精度达到厘米级。大量应用于动态需要高精度位置的领域。 * * 卫星的位置是时间的函数,所以GPS的观测量,均以精密测时为依据。 与卫星位置相应的时间信息,是通过卫星信号的编码信息传送给用户的。 在GPS定位中要求卫星钟与接收机钟保持严格同步,但实际上尽管GPS卫星均设有高精度的原子钟(铷钟和铯钟),但它们与理想的GPS时之间,仍存在着难以避免的偏差或漂移。这种偏差的总量约在1ms以内,由此引起的等效距离误差,约可达300km。 1ms*300000km/s = 300km * The AgGPS? 114 DGPS smart antenna combines high-performance GPS and L-band satellite differential in one package. Plus its compatible with the Wide Area Augmentation System (WAAS) service. Its compact and light weight, making it ideal for crop scouting and data collection. Add the AgGPS 70 Remote Display Logger (RDL), to record your vehicle path. The RDL also provides an alternative way to configure and interface the AgGPS 114 to yield monitors and variable rate controllers. For accurate field guidance without foam markers, the AgGPS 114 supports the AgGPS Parallel Swathing Option. And for variable rate control, soil sampling, field mapping, and automated record-keeping, add the AgGPS 170 Field Computer. combined GPS/DGPS and L-band satellite differential receiver and antenna in a single, rugged compact housing worldwide operation with both Omnistar and Landstar subscriptions control from either the AgGPS 70 Remote Display Logger, AgGPS 170 Field Computer, or included Windows 95/98-based AgRemote software submeter accurate, real-time DGPS operation WAAS compatible * GPS receiver with integrated dual-channel differential beacon receiver and satellite differential receiver The AgGPS? 132 is a high-performance GPS receiver that uses either free public or subscription-based differential correction services to calculate sub-meter positions in real-time. Farmers use the AgGPS 132 to tag soil type, insect infestation, or crop yield information with precise, sub-meter location data. Mapping this data highlights problem areas and helps farmers target their use of agricultural products—saving money and increasing pr


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