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24 6 12 2007 Acta Mater iae Comp ositae Sin ica Vol24 No6 December 2007 : 1000 - 385 1( 2007) 06- 0160- 06 * 韩 旭 , 龚 双 ( , , 410082) : , , , , , , PZT5A/ 0PVDF , , , , : ; ; ; : O347. 4; T B330. 1 : A Analysis of transient responses in piezoelectric laminates excited by coupled electromechanical loads * HAN Xu , GONG Shuang ( State Key Laborat ory of Advanced Design and M anufacturing for Vehicle Body, College of Mechanical and Vehicle Engineering , H unan University, Changsha 4 10082, China) Abstract: A hybrid numerical met hod w as proposed for the analy sis of t ransient responses subject ed to coupled electromechanical loads in piezoelect ric laminates. The displacement and electropotential fields w ere discretized in the t hickness direction of the laminates. T he governing equations w ere det ermined by the coupled elect roelast ic theory and H amilton principle. The modal analy sis and Fourier transformat ion w ere introduced to formulate the displacement and electropotential field in the wavenumber domain. The transient responses w ere obtained by em ploy ing the inverse Fourier transformation. The results of the numerical e ample provide the transient responses e cited by t he coupled electro mechanical line load in a PZT 5A/ 0 PV DF composite plate. The dynamic characteristics of this type of piezoelectric laminates are described. T he finite element method, the Fourier transformat ion and modal analysis are effectively combined in the present me


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