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24 8 V ol. 24 No. 8 2009 8 Journal of Aerospace Power A ug . 2009 : 1000- 8055( 2009) 08- 1886- 07 1 1 1 2 李志农, 吕亚平 , 范 涛 , 冷传广 ( 1 , 450001; 2 , 450005) : , , , . , , , . : ; ; ; : T H 17 ; T P 911 : A Underdetermined blind source separation method of machine faults based on empirical mode decomposition 1 1 1 2 L I Zh- nong , LUY a- p ng , FA N T ao , L EN G Chuan- gu ang ( 1Schoo l of M echan cal Eng neer ng , Zhengzhou U n v er s t y, Zhengzhou 4 5000 1, Ch na; 2Depart ment of A ut omob le Eng neer ng, H enan V ocat o nal and T echn cal Co lleg e of Com mun cat ons, Zhengzho u 450005, Ch na) Abstract: T he t rad t o nal m echan cal f ault so urce separat o n m et hod s rest r ct ed t o non- g auss an, st at onary and mut ually ndependent so ur ce s g nals , and t he num ber o f observa- t ons s assumed t o be m ore t han t he number o f sources . T hese def c enc es may cause many pro blems n t he appl cat on o f fault d ag no s s, because fault s gnals generally do not m eet these cond t ons . Based on t hese def c enc es , an underdet er m ned bl nd separ at on met ho d of mach ne faults based on emp r cal m ode decom pos t on ( EMD) w as pr opo sed. T he p


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