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同济大学课程考核试卷(A卷) 2010 — 2011 学年第 2 学期 命题教师签名: 审核教师签名: 课号:112148 课名:英文报刊选读 考试考查: 此卷选为:期中考试( )、期终考试(√ )、重考 ( ) 试卷 年级 10 专业 学号 姓名 得分 题项 I II III IV V VI 得分 Part One Understanding the Styles and Structures of English Newspapers and Magazines (30%) Section A Inverted Structure (16%) Directions: In this part, there are two pieces of news that are incomplete. Choose from the lists below the best clause to complete each of them. Then mark your answer in the corresponding place on your Answer Sheet. (2×8=16 points) Festival honoring Sun Tzu BEIJING – Binzhou city in the northern part of ____(1)_____. Binzhou is famous for being the hometown of Sun Tzu (born 535 BC), a strategist and high ranking military general during the late Spring and Autumn Period and the author of The Art of War. ____(2)_____. It has inspired many leaders and generals, including Mao Zedong, General MacArthur and Napoleon. ____(3)_____, which shows 36 military strategies in the book. Binzhou is also famous for its big and juicy jujubes, and visitors will have the opportunity to pick dates in the city’s suburbs. ____(4)_____. Binzhou provides individual and grouping tourism service to benefit tourists. (A). The Art of War is one of the most successful books on military strategy and is widely known throughout the world (B). Shandong province is holding a tourism festival from September to October (C). “Binzhou has fantastic scenery, and I’ve been there three times,” said Wei Xiaoxia, a senior reporter at China Tourism News (D). One must-seeing scenic spot in Binzhou is a “military city” Chinese Muslims to begin pilgrimage to Mecca YINCHUAN -____(5)_____, local religious officials said Thursday. The number traveling this year is about 200 more than that of last year, said Hei Fuli, vice chairman and secretary-general of the Islamic Association of Ningxia. ____(6)_____, and will return to N


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