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车床主轴箱齿轮的几何精度设计 学院:机电学院 专业:机械工程及自动化 姓名:吕荣 指导教师:宋志坤 目录 问题提出 专题研究的目的 研究内容 设计过程 1.齿轮内孔的技术要求与精度设计 2.齿顶圆柱面的技术要求与精度设计 3.端面的技术要求与精度设计 4.齿面的技术要求与精度设计 5.齿轮的零件图 研究性训练载体1-2:车床主轴箱齿轮的几何精度设计 一.问题提出: 零件的几何精度直接影响零件的使用性能,而零件的配合表面和非配合表面的精度要求高低各不相同;即便是配合表面,其工作性质不同,提出进度要求及公差项目也不相同,针对车床主轴箱齿轮进行几何精度设计。 二.专题研究的目的: (1)理解零件几何精度对其使用性能的影响; (2)根据零件不同表面的工作性质及要求提出相应的公差要求; (3)掌握正确的零件公差标注方法; (4)掌握零件的几何精度设计方法; 三.研究内容: 完成图1所示齿轮零件的几何精度设计。 (1)对零件各表面主要部分的技术要求进行分析研究; (2)根据零件不同表面的工作性质及要求,提出相应的公差项目及公差值; 包括齿轮的尺寸精度设计、形状精度设计、位置精度设计及表面粗糙度。 (3)把公差正确的标注在零件图上。 四.设计过程: Design process: The technical requirements and accuracy design of gear internal bore Technical requirements: Since the gear is located at the spindle box, it needs to be interference fit with the shaft. Hence we should satisfy the tolerance requirements of interference fit. In order to reduce the incidence of wear during the force transmission, we should also need a low roughness on the internal bore surface. Take Ra1.6μm. The accuray design: Since the internal bore is interference fit with the shaft, we generally pick the hole basis, select H7 / p6 and choose accuracy grade IT7. From the table in our book, we can get the width of tolerance band is 0.025mm. Since it’s hole basis, the upper deviation is +0.025 and the lower deviation is 0. 2.Technical requirements and geometric accuracy design of the tooth surface. Technical requirements: The tooth surface contact two tooth surface, which will produce sliding in the process of transmission and lead to tooth surface wear. It will increase backlash in circular tooth and cause the instability of transmission and impact in serious situation, if the roughness is too high. To ensure the stability of transmission, and reduce friction, small surface roughness should be adopted. Take Ra2.5μm. 3. Technical requirements and accurac


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