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Notes Bibliography In writing your thesis, you are encouraged to quote, paraphrase, translate and summarize other people’s words and ideas. 使用直接引文时须注意以下几点: 1. 论文使用直接引文不宜过多,最好不要超过总体的30%,以避免“剽窃”之嫌。 2 一段引文如果达到或超过四行,就叫大段摘引。这时候,引文必须独力成段,无需引号,且前后缩进。 3 在不损害引文内涵的情况下,作者可以根据需要,对引文进行删减(即删去那些次要的、与论文无关的东西),但不得任意删减,更不能断章取义、歪曲原意。 There are mainly three ways of referring to other people’s work when writing a research paper. 1). Direct or indirect quotations; 2). Paraphrasing other people’s words 3). Summarizing longer passages of texts we are interested in. Direct or Indirect Quotations Examples One: One of the criticisms of using parallel corpora, mentioned by Mauranen (1998) has been that “…”. Example Two: As Li (1999) points out, “…”. Paraphrasing Paraphrasing is rewriting materials from other sources in your own words. You should not change the meaning contained in the original passage nor shorten it when paraphrasing. Summarizing Summarizing is another method of shortening long passages for inclusion in your research paper. In the summary only the main points should be included. For generations, Americans have researched their pasts to discover who their ancestors were. In recent years, many more people have developed an avid interest in their genealogy and the cultural heritage of their ancestors. This interest was sparked for two reasons. First, American celebrated the bicentennial of the United States in 1976 and paid tribute to the country’s history. Second, and more recently, the book Roots, which traces the family history of an American black man named Alex Haley back to Africa, was serialized on national television. As a result of these two events, a new pastime for thousands of Americans was created. Recently, many Americans have become interested in researching their backgrounds in order to identify their ancestors and learn about their cultural heritage. This interest in genealogy began with the U.S. Bicentennial celebration and intensified with the te


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