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Exercise 4 Translate the following sentences into English: 6. 如果你方同意我方对山地自行车(mountain bike)的报价,请即告知. 7. 我们现向你方报盘,以本月20日以前复到为条件. 8. 你们的丝绸服装工艺精湛,设计新颖,请给我方最好盘. 9. 按照要求,现另邮寄给你方茶具一套. 10. 我们希望在平等互利的基础上与你方建立业务关系. Unit Four Offers Quotations (报盘和报价) Exercise 5 Translate the following letter into English: Unit Four Offers Quotations (报盘和报价) Worldwide Trading Pty. Ltd Level 25 367 Collins Street Sydney, Australia 女士/先生: 感谢你方11月5日对我方圣诞蜡烛的询盘。 根据要求,现报你方所需货号为202圣诞蜡烛,每箱340美元,按成本加运保费悉尼价,包括2%的佣金,以我方最后确认为准。 Exercise 5 Translate the following letter into English: Unit Four Offers Quotations (报盘和报价) 众所周知,我方产品质量优良,价格合理,在国际市场上很受欢迎,希望你方能同意报价。 圣诞节日益临近,请尽快寄订单勿误。 盼即复。 谨上 金王蜡烛有限公司 (中国青岛香港路100号福泰广场11层) 出口部经理 高丽 2007年11月10日 ExerciseⅠ Exercise Ⅱ Exercise Ⅲ Exercise Ⅳ Keys to Exercises Unit Four Offers Quotations (报盘和报价) Exercise 1 Unit Four Offers Quotations (报盘和报价) 1. offer 2. quotation sheet 3. prompt shipment 4. final confirmation 5. subject to 6. under separate cover 7. without any delay 8. selling season 9. non-firm offer 10. on the basis of ... Exercise 2 1. Thank you for your letter of October 1 asking us to offer you 500 “Midea” Brand Electric Cooker (你方报盘500个美的牌电饭锅)for May shipment. 2. For your information, your 5% commission is included in our quotation(我们的报价中已包含你方百分之五的佣金). Unit Four Offers Quotations (报盘和报价) 3. As requested, we are making you an offer as follows USD 84 per case CIF Xingang (每箱84美元CIF新港). 4. The commission on our shoes would be allowed on purchase of not less than 1000 cases (以不少于1000箱的购买量). Unit Four Offers Quotations (报盘和报价) Exercise 2 Exercise 3 1. We shall make a reduction on our price if you increase the quantity to 1,000 pcs. 2. We refer to your offer of 18th May. 3.


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