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Lesson 2 Breakfast or lunch? 【New words and expressions】生词和短语 until prep. 直到 outside adv. 外面 ring v. (铃、电话等)响(rang, rung) aunt n. 姑,姨,婶,舅母 repeat v. 重复 ★until prep.直到 until用于表示动作、状态等的持续,可译为“一直到……为止”或“在……以前”。 1) 在肯定句中,它与表示持续性状态的动词连用,表示持续到某一时刻: I’ll wait here until 5. 我会在这里等到5 点钟。 His father was alive until he came back. 直到他回来为止,他爸爸都是活着的. 2) 在否定句中,它通常与描述短暂动作的动词连用,表示“到……为止”、“直到……才”: She cannot arrive until 6. 她到6点才能来。 His father didnt die until he came back. 直到他回来,他爸爸才死. 3) until后的从句的时间终止之前,这个动作做了还是没做?做了前面的主句用肯定;没做前面的主句用否定: He ___A(C)___(wait) until it stopped raining. A. waited B. didnt wait A. leave B. left C. didnt leave I stay in bed until twelve oclock. I didnt get up until 12 oclock. ★outside adv. 外面(作状语) He is waiting for me outside. It is cold outside. ★ring(rang. rung) v.(铃、电话等)响 ① vt. 鸣,(铃、电话等)响(这种响是刺耳的, 往往是提醒人做某事) Every morning the clock rings at 6. The telephone(door bell) is ringing. 而风铃等响要用jingle,jingle (bell) (铃儿) 响叮当 ② vt. 打电话给(美语中用call) ring sb. 给某人打电话 Tomorrow Ill ring you. ③ n. (打)电话 give sb. a ring Remember to give me a ring. /Remember to ring me. ④ n. 戒指 ★aunt n. 姑,姨,婶,舅妈(所有长一辈的女性都用这个称呼) 男性则是uncle: 叔叔 他们的孩子:cousin 堂兄妹(不分男女) aunt的孩子:nephew 外甥;niece 外甥女 ★repeat v. 重复 ① vt. 重复 Will you repeat the last word? They are repeating that wonderful party. ② vi. 重做,重说 Please repeat after me. Don’t repeat. 【Text】 It was Sunday. I never get up early on Sundays. I sometimes stay in bed until lunchtime. Last Sunday I got up very late. I looked out of the window. It was dark outside. What a day! I thought. Its raining again. Just then, the telephone rang. It was my aunt Lucy. Ive just arrived by train, she said. Im coming to see you. But Im still having breakfast, I said. What are you doing? she asked. Im having breakfast, I repeated. Dear me, she said. Do you always get up so late? Its one oclock! 参考译文: 那是个星期天, 而在星期天我是从来不早起的, 有时我要一直躺到吃午饭的时候. 上个星期天, 我起得很晚. 我望望窗外, 外面一片昏暗. “鬼天气!” 我想, “又下雨了. ”正在这时,


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