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美丽心灵 是数学家赢得了世界大战Mathematicians won the war 是数学家破解了日本密码Mathematicians broke the Japanese codes 也是数学家发明了原子弹and built the A-bomb 就像你我一样的数学家Mathematicians like you 苏联的终极目标 是赤化全世界The stated goal of the Soviets is global communism 包括医学 经济In medicine or economics 科技 太空in technology or space 战争的界线已经划出battle lines are being drawn 为了争取胜利 我们需要结果To triumph we need results 需要可以发表和应用的结果Publishable applicable results 谁是未来的摩尔斯?Now who among you will be the next Morse? 谁又是下一个爱因斯坦?The next Einstein? 你们当中谁将是Who among you will be the vanguard 民主 自由 和发明的先锋?of democracy freedom and discovery? 今天我们将 美国的未来Today we bequeath Americas future 交到你们的手中into your able hands 欢迎加入普林斯顿的行列Welcome to Princeton gentlemen 汉森赢得卡内基奖学金 居然还不满足Its not enough Hansen won the Carnegie Scholarship 他想要通吃No he has to have it all for himself 这是第一次由两人共享Its the first time the Carnegie prize 这项奖学金 汉森当然不爽has been split Hansens all bent 听说他一心想进入惠勒研究室Rumor is hes got his sights set on Wheeler Lab 就是麻省理工学院 新的军事智囊团the new military think tank at MIT 今年他们只收一个人Theyre only taking one this year 而汉森认为他是第一人选Hansens used to being picked first 研究数学实在浪费他的才能 yeah hes wasted on math 他应该去选总统He should be running for president 你的领带这样糟There could be a mathematical explanation 一定有数学上的合理解释for how bad your tie is 谢谢你Thank you 我是尼尔森 专攻符号密码学Neilson symbol cryptography 他破解过日本密码Neils here broke a Jap code 也曾帮助世界摆脱法西斯主义Helped rid the world of fascism 他都是这样对女孩子说的At least thats what he tells the girls Neils? 我叫宾达 专攻原子物理学The names Bender Atomic physics -你是哪位? -我迟到了吗?-And you are? -Am I late? -是的 -苏先生-Yes -Yes Mr Sol 好! 你好 good Hi 我是理查·苏Sol Richard Sol 这就是天才的负担The burden of genius -他来了 -宴会这么多 时间真不够用-There he is -So many supplicants and so little time -苏先生您好 -您好-Mr Sol -How are you sir? -宾达 -很高兴看到你-Bender -Nice to see you 汉森先生 恭喜你Congratulations Mr Hansen 谢谢Thank you 再给我一杯Ill take another 什么?Excuse me? 真抱歉 我以为你是服务生A thousand pardons I simply assumed you were the waiter 汉森 给他留点面子Play nice Hansen 他才不会替人留面子Nice is not Hansens str


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