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生物技术通报 BIOTECHNOLOG Y B ULLETIN 2004 5 蒋广龙 孙淼 廖尚英 朱宝长 ( , 100037) : 一氧化氮是近年来发现的一种重要的生物信号分子 效应分子, 在生物体内, L精氨酸在 一氧化氮 合酶的作用下生成一氧化氮后, 以自分泌或旁分泌形式作用于自身或邻近的细胞, 发挥信号传导 细胞毒性等多 种生理功能近年来的研究表明, 一氧化氮对雄性生殖系统上至下丘脑,下到性腺附性器官都具有十分重要的生 理调节作用 : 一氧化氮 生殖系统 间质细胞 性激素 促性腺激素 Nitric Oxide in Male Reproductive System Jiang Guanglong Sun Miao Liao Shangying Zhu Baochang ( Biology Department of Cap ital Normal University , Beij ing 100037) Abstract : Nitric Oxide ( NO) , a recentf o nd messenger, is catalyz edf rom Larginine, by Nitric oxide synthase ( NOS) in the body of animals or h man beings. NOSs distrib te in almost all kind of organs or cells of animals st died sof ar and involve in n mero sp athologic and physiologicprocesses. Researches in lastf ew years revealed thatNOplays a cr cial role in reprod ction sys tems at all levelsf rom the brain to the gonads and even the accessory sex organs. In this review , wef oc s on its reg latoryf nction on reprod ctive system of male mammalian. Key words: Nitric oxide Reprod ction Leydig cell Testosterone FSH LH [ 1] 20 80 , F rchgott , NO NO [ 3] , , [ 4] ; ; ( Endotheli mDerived Relaxing Factor, EDRF ) ( GnRH )[ 5] [ 2] [ 6] [ 7] 1987 , Palmer EDRF (Nitric Oxide, NO) ; NO , EDRF , , NO , NO , NO , NO 1 NO , , ,


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