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曼哈顿重点注意事项总结 Best Does Not Mean Ideal It is very important to recognize that Sentence Correction questions ask for the best option of those given, not the best option in the universe. Indeed, often you will feel-andrighdy so-that all the answers, including the correct one, sound bad. Correct GMAT Sentence Correction answers can sound very formal or awkward, so it is important to keep in mind that your task is to evaluate the given answer choices, not to create the ideal sentence. The ideal sentence often is not an option, and the right answer may sound rather wrong. To complicate matters, incorrect answer choices often sound right, Indeed, the GMAT exploits the fact that the English we hear is commonly riddled with grammatical mistakes. GMAT SC常考知识点: (1) Subject-Verb Agreement 主谓一致 (2) Parallelism 平行 (3) Pronouns 代词 (4) Modifiers 修饰语 (5) Verb Tense, Mood, Voice 时态、虚拟语气和主被动语态 (6) Comparisons 比较 (7) Idioms. 习语/固定搭配 对于SC的一个基本原则和态度: GMAT的SC部分的题,往往一道题涵盖多个知识点,当在复习的时候,要充分利用每一道题把所有提及到的知识点都尽量掌握。 但在考试的过程中,每道SC题都要求平均在1分半中完成,理想的情况是尽量在一分钟左右完成。这样的时间要求,使得我们在考试的时候要善用考试技巧和策略: 读完题,画出句子基本结构(以及很明显的错误); 纵向比较各个选项的不同之处,选出一个自己有把握的考点(即不同点)将选项分成两派,尽量分成2-3split的形式(即2个一派,3个一派)。 在2-3 split中选出正确的一派,排除不正确的选项。 再将剩下的选项再纵向比较,根据另一个有把握的考点分类,再继续排除,以此类推直到选剩1个选项。 把这仅有的一个选项再带回原句double check一下。 PS:即做题时使用考试策略,看解释分析答案时要有每一个知识点、易错点都不放过的精神和态度! PS的PS:读题一定不能贪快,心急,一定到读完全句,对没划线部分的句子也绝对不可以掉以轻心!!!!!! GMAT中SC最佳答案要符合以下三个要点: 语法正确(Grammar) 句子意思清楚明确(Meaning) 简洁有效(Concision) 做题思考过程: begin by looking for errors in grammar After you have found grammar errors, look for meaning issues. Finally, if you have still not singled out an answer, choose the remaining choice that is most concise. Do not alter the authors intent when you make your choice! 特别注意助动词!!!助动词的小小变化会使得句子意思大不相同! Meaning的三个常见考法: 小词位置的变换: If a word changes its position in the answer choices, you must consider whether the change has an impact on the meaning of the sentence. Look out especially for short words (such as only and all) that quantify nouns or



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