欧亚超市与沃尔玛4P组合策略比较研究 毕业论文.doc

欧亚超市与沃尔玛4P组合策略比较研究 毕业论文.doc

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欧亚超市与沃尔玛4P组合策略比较研究 [摘要] 商业零售业是我国发展最快的行业之一,该行业内的企业产品销售周期短,盈利比较稳定,现金流动快,是业界普遍看好的行业,尤其是大型连锁类超市的营业模式,被大众迅速接受,发展速度很快。The Comparative study of Eurasian Supermarket and Walmart about 4 P strategy [Abstract] Commodity retail is one of the fastest growing industries in China, the enterprise inside the industry products sales cycle is short, the profit is stable, cash flow is fast, the industry is generally optimistic about the industry, especially large supermarket chain class of business models, be accepted rapidly by the public, the speed of development is quickly. This article through the actual observation, analysis of literature and other methods to wal-mart and Eurasian supermarket described in detail. First expounded the concept of 4 P marketing strategies, production and development, then the wal-mart, Eurasian supermarket business strategy of comparative study, then for Eurasian, wal-mart optimal two big supermarket advantages and disadvantages, finally the future development trend of the supermarket is analyzed. Hope that through this paper can on the supermarket development and problems of the research provides some suggestions. [Keyword] Eurasian Supermarket Walmart 4 P strategy Comparative study 目 录 [摘要] 1 [Abstract] 2 目 录 3 前言 4 一、4p策略的概述 4 二、欧亚超市4p策略分析 5 (一)产品(Product) 6 (二)价格 (Price) 6 (三)分销 (Place) 6 (四)促销(Promotion) 6 三、沃尔玛4p策略分析 7 (一) 产品(Product) 7 (二)价格 (Price) 8 (三)分销 (Place) 9 (四)促销(Promotion) 9 四、欧亚超市与沃尔玛4P组合策略比较 10 (一)欧亚超市 10 1.优势 10 2.劣势 10 (二)沃尔玛超市 11 1.优势 11 2.劣势 12 五、4P组合策略的应用前景 12 结论: 13 参考文献 14 致 谢 15 附录一:英文原文 16 附录二:英文译文 17 前言: 按照大城市发展趋势,尤其在人口众多的国家,到2010年前后,城市人口的40%会分布于市区边缘,30%在市区,30%分布在郊区。商流跟着人流走,这种趋势对传统商业布局显然有极大影响。大型超市正是跟着消费者走。目前,上海市郊正致力于构筑现代化的城镇群和都市经济圈,随着郊区小城镇建设的实施,郊区房地产兴起,大量人口向市郊城镇聚集,大量农民以买房形式进入城镇。有人气,商业就有机会,正如一位有识之士所言,没有一个超市会开到人烟稀少的地方去。))·麦卡锡(McCarthy)·科特勒在其畅销书《营销管理:分析、规划与控制》第一版进一步确认了以4Ps为核心的营销组合方法为核心的营销组合方法,即: 产品(Product):注重开发的功能,要求产品有独特的买点,把产品的功能诉求放在第一位。包括产品发展、产品计划、产品设计、交货期等决策的内容。其影响因素包括产品的特性、质量、外观、附件、品牌、商标、包装、担保、服务等包括确定定价目标、制定产品价


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