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本科毕业论文 题  目:   琴弦振动泛音的分析及应用    学生姓名:      学号: 院(系): 物理与材料科学学院 专业: 材料物理 入学时间:         年        月 导师姓名:     职称/学位:    导师所在单位:       琴弦振动泛音的分析及应用 ( 物理与材料科学学院) 摘要:弦乐器的是乐器中最重要的类别之一,弦乐器琴弦的振动式多种振动迭加的效果。当满足某些条件的时候,一些振动将会被屏蔽掉,产生音乐所说的“泛音”效果。本文应用物理振动方面的知识,利用数学物理方法,使用物理抽象的方法,将一根长炫抽象为一个个没用质量相对独立又相互联系的小段,由此列出两端固定的弦振动的泛音方程,这是一个有边界条件的齐次方程,使用分离变量法求解,对泛音的物理本质做出分析。由于弦的振动是由一个个的振动迭加形成的结果,本文以图表的形式直观地表示出各种振动振幅的关系,以及泛音产生的规律。本文还将从音乐的角度阐述泛音的产生和演奏方法。 关键词:泛音;弦乐器;泛定方程;振动;振幅 Analysis and Application on Overtone of chord vibration (School of Physics and Material Science, ) Abstract: Stringed-instrument-music is one of the most important types of music. Stringed instrument chord vibration is the superposition of various vibration effects. Given certain congditions, some vibrationg will be shielded, and the produced music is called”overtone”effect. Basing on the knowledge of vibrationg in physics, the use of mathematics-physics equations and the abstract use of physical methods, a long string could be divided into several independent and interonnected sections without quality. Thus we obtain the pan-set equation of a vibration string with both ends fixed, which is homogengous equation with a boundary condition, And then we find the determined solution to the equation using the method of variable separation in order to analyze the physical nature of overtone. As the string vibration is a superposition effect of a lot minute vibrations, this paper displays the law of overtone and the relationships of these vibration amplitudes in the form of diagram. And this paper will also discuss the occurrence and law of overtone from a point view of a musician. Keywords: overtone, stringed instruments, mathematical physics equation, vibration, amplitude 定量琴弦的泛音是近年形成的一种特殊演奏技巧。如在名族拉琴弦乐器的演奏中,很多独奏曲目都有泛音的应用。“泛音虽然音量不如实音大,但音色非常清晰,明亮 能造成一种幽静、遥远、幻想的意境”如在独奏曲《江南春色》中,连续泛音的应用描绘了江南山水相依,非常优雅的春天的美景,成功的演奏令人遐想,仿佛置身江南。在很多有关琴弦演奏技巧的专著中,主要是讲述泛音演奏的具体方法和泛音在弦上的经验位置。先摘录专著中有关泛音的讲述:“琴弦除去由于整体振动而发出一个基本频率音之外,同


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