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大连海事大学 毕 业 论 文 二○一四年六月 基于ARM的网络数据库设计 专业班级:电子信息工程3班 姓 名: 张全明 指导教师: 李作洲 信息科学技术学院  PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT IV 摘 要 随着信息技术的不断发展,数据库应用的领域越来越多,数据库技术目前是计算机处理与存储数据的最有效,最成功的技术。数据和资源共享这两种技术结合在一起即成为在今天广泛应用的网络数据库(也叫WEB数据库)。它是以后台数据库为基础,加上一定的前台程序,通过浏览器或客户端完成数据存储、查询等操作的系统。 本课题的目的是设计并实现一种基于ARM的网络数据库,通过软键盘来输入数据,通过联网与服务器进行连接,并完成数据的查询。PC机作为服务器端;客户端硬件主要采用友善之臂的Tiny6410开发板,外接触摸屏。本系统的软件部分由服务器和客户端组成,采用Qt开发用户图形界面。服务器端使用SQLite数据库存放数据,并在Qt下实现了对数据库的连接和使用。客户端采用Linux操作系统,移植了无线网卡的驱动,完成对无线网卡的控制和使用,实现无线网络的连接。客户端的界面主要包括欢迎界面、用户登录界面。 论文依据嵌入式系统的开发流程,着重介绍了Qt编程、SQLite数据库的设计、嵌入式Linux的设置操作等。设计以学生信息查询系统为例,通过运行本系统,实现了在ARM终端上对存放于远程服务器中的学生信息的查询,并通过联网将查询结果传输到ARM终端。通过本系统查询到的信息可进一步应用到其他系统中,为更复杂的嵌入式系统设计打下基础。 关键词:网络数据库; 嵌入式;SQLite;Linux;Qt ABSTRACT With the continuous development of information technology, more and more areas begin to apply database. Database technology is currently the most effective and the most successful techniques in the fields of computer processing and storage of data. The combination of these two technologies of sharing of data and resources becomes widely used in current network database (also called WEB database). It is based on the background database, together with a foreground program, and then users can store and query data through the browser or client. This project is to design and implement a WEB database based ARM. Entering data through the soft keyboard, users can connect with the server and perform query data. PC acts as a server and FriendlyARM Tiny6410 development board with external touch screen as a client. The software part of the system consists of server and client components. It uses Qt graphical user interface to develop and SQLite database to store data. Then we can connect to database and operate it in Qt. The client runs the Linux operating system. A driver is transplanted to control and use of the wireless network card to achieve wireless network connection. Client interface mainly includes user login screen and query screen. A


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