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骨骼的发育途径 中胚层的间叶组织细胞系的成骨骼细胞 软骨 膜性硬骨 软骨化硬骨 软骨鱼类:软骨 硬骨鱼类:大部分是软骨化硬骨 鉴定软骨和硬骨的方法 阿里新蓝可以把软骨染成蓝色 茜素红可以把硬骨染成红色 ?如何鉴定膜性硬骨和软骨性硬骨 骨胳系统 外骨胳:鳞片、牙齿 内骨胳:包在肌肉中的骨胳 主轴骨胳:头骨 脊椎 附肢骨胳:偶鳍骨骼 奇鳍骨骼 鱼类的牙齿 上图为软骨鱼类的牙齿 下图为硬骨鱼类的牙齿 Teeth of shark 内骨胳 Skeleton of a fish: finned vertebrate animal with skin covered with scales. It lives in water and is usually oviparous. Opercular: pair of bony plates covering the gill opening. Ray of the anterior dorsal fin: each of the small bones forming the front fin on the back of a fish. Radial cartilage: elastic substance of the radius. Ray of the posterior dorsal fin: each of the small bones forming the rear fin on the back of a fish. Neural spine: spine containing part of the nervous system. Vertebra: each of the bones forming the neural spine of a fish. Hypural: bone to which are attached the spiny rays of the caudal fin of a fish. Caudal fin ray: each of the small bones forming the tail fin of a fish. Anal fin ray: each of the small bones forming the fin behind the anus of a fish. Radial cartilage: elastic substance of the radius. Rib: each of the bones forming the thoracic cage. Pelvic fin ray: each of the bones forming the fin beneath the pelvic girdle. Pectoral fin ray: each of the bones forming the chest fin. Pelvic girdle: set of bones forming the pelvis. Clavicle: shoulder bone. Lower jaw: mandible. Upper jaw: upper part of the mouth. Orbit: cavity of the skull that contains the eye. Skull: bony case of the brain of a fish. 头骨 包括脑颅和咽颅 脑颅(共36块骨骼) 筛区:围绕嗅囊的骨胳。如中筛骨。 蝶区:环绕眼框周围的骨胳。如框蝶骨。 耳区:围绕耳囊周围的骨胳。如前耳骨。 枕区:连接脊椎的脑颅最后部分。如上枕骨1。 背面:顶骨2,额骨3 脑颅 咽颅 1对颌弓 1对舌弓 5对鳃弓:第5对特化为咽弓 鱼类鳃弓 从背面--腹面 咽鳃骨 上鳃骨 角鳃骨 下鳃骨 基鳃骨 鲱鱼Anchoa与斑马鱼咽颅骨骼排列上的差异?前后轴和背腹轴 脊椎 躯椎与尾椎结构上的区别。 脊椎与肌节: 脊椎位置位于两肌节之间 鲤形目鱼类椎骨的变异 韦伯氏器:三叉骨(tripus),间叉骨(intercalarium),舶状骨(scaphium),带状骨(claustrum),这些骨骼由结缔组织相连. ?为什么只有鲤形目鱼类会变异,研究韦伯氏器的发生可能有助于了解鲤形目鱼类的进化历史。 肋骨 腹肋和背肋(背肋比较少见) 上图正常,下图为gsc-缺失的肋骨 肌间骨 肌间骨是由肌隔结缔组织骨化而成的。只有低等的鱼类如鲱形目、


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