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Menutranslation of Chinese Food A Thesis Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Bachelor Degree of Arts By Lin Qiu Ling Under the Direction of Associate Professor Zhang Weihuang English Major 2008 Class C College of Foreign Languages Huaqiao University April 2012 Abstract An old Chinese saying goes like food is the paramount necessity of the people.The catering culture of China has a long history, extensive and profound. The foreigners are very fond of the Chinese food. With those situations, Chinese-English translation on the menu is a unstopptable trend in the world. As English is the prevailing language, so put Chinese menu into English can promote the commucation of catering culture between China and World. But because of the different culture and the different cuisine,there are many problems in existing menu translation, and we can make better in the translation. If look back to the menu translation in the day, we can find that those translation is in an disorder and lack of the uniform standards, and even more, a food name can be translated in many ways. So for the better of commucation of the catering culture, there must be a uniform standard. The thesis will be regard the Chinese-English translation on the menu as the theme to study the problem, and will suggest the manners to solve the problem which exist in the menu translation. Combining with the difference and the feature of the catering culture between China and Western, I will describe the order, standard and characteristic in translation in detail. And my aim is to put the translation to a higher level, and have a better commucation. Key Words: catering culture different commucation translation stardard 摘要 俗话说:民以食为天。中国的饮食文化源远流长,博大精深,深受外国人的喜爱。在这样的额情况下,中文菜谱的翻译成为一股势不可挡的趋势。但是,由于中外文化的差别,以及饮食方面的差别,菜谱的翻译存在许多的问题以及很多可以改进的地方。环顾当今的一些菜谱翻译,混乱无序,甚至存在一个菜谱有多种的翻译版本,缺乏统一的标准。因此,为了更好的进行中国与国际的饮食文化交流,必须规划统一的翻译标准。 本文将围绕中英菜谱翻译这一主题展开说明,针对菜谱中存在的问题提出解决办法。结合中西饮食文化的异同和特点,详细阐述菜谱翻译的要求、标准和特点,将菜谱的翻译上升到一定的高度,最


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