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银条茎尖的脱毒组织培养和植株再生 摘 要 银条(Stachys floridana Schuttl .ex Benth),又名地灵,系唇形科水苏属多年生蓄根草本植物,其地下根状茎圆状细长,肉质洁白,酷似白银;据传是唐僧取经过程中所得,又被誉为唐僧肉目前,全国人工种植面积很少,洛阳偃师县(市)是主要产地,约占全国产量的95%,仅春节左右大量上市,同时远销国内外,在市场上常供不应求[2]。对银条茎尖分生组织的培养条件、不同处理对提高茎尖再生植株脱毒率的效果进行了研究,并利用不同外植体探讨了银条再生快繁的适宜途径。试验结果表明银条的离体培养以MS作为基本培养基最为适宜,再生苗生长快速,植株健壮。茎尖分生组织培养在MS+6-BA 0.5 mg/L+NAA 0.1mg/L+蔗糖4%+琼脂6.5g/L上,最适宜茎尖的培养再生植株的脱毒率随茎尖切割长度的减小而提高,但过小的茎尖操作、培养困难,培养周期长,成苗率低。0.5mm大小的茎尖成苗率与脱毒率相对较高,较为适合;茎尖的重复切割培养与接种植株进行预热处理均有显著提高脱毒率的作用,但同时也降低了成苗率。Stachys floridana Mreistem Culture and Plantlet Regeneration of Venom Tissue Removal ABSTRACT Stachys floridana, also known as Ling, Lamiaceae Stachys is a build root perennial herb, its underground rhizomes rounded slender, white meat, resembles silver, hence the name Stachys floridana; According to legend Journey to the West., also known as the official told us. The planted area rarely, Luoyang Yanshi county (city) is the main producer, accounting for about 95% of national output, a large number of listed only around the Spring Festival, and sold at home and abroad, often in short supply in the market . In this study, on Stachys floridana apical meristem culture conditions, different treatments to improve the effect of shoot tips regenerated plants detoxification rate and different explants suitable way to explore the Stachys floridana renewable rapid propagation. The results showed:As the basic medium for many flower Betony culturation in vitro, MS was the best in all media include White, MA, B5 and Ne. The optimal medium fot the tip meristem culture was MS+6-BA0.5 mg/L+NAA 0.1 mg/L+sucrose 4%, on which 6.5g/L plantlet ratio was produced. The results showed that the size of excised shoot tip was negative correlated with the virus-free rate of plantlet. Too smaller shoot tip make operation and regeneration difficult. The attempt of using 0.5 mm length shoot tip was successed .The virus-free rate could be increased markedly by using the tip meristem culturation technique together with the te


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