
WTO 商学专业English7.doc

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WTO 商学专业English7

Courseware: WTO Professional English for Class I WTO PROFESSION ENGLISH I For Students of School of WTO Studies Wuhan University 2010-9-11 Instructor: Prof. Guoping Gui 对评审专家的特别说明: 本人认为,PPT作为授课演示手段是非常适合MBA专业课程和公共英语的教学的,因为它们教学的重点是提纲挈领,抓住与理解框架似的东西加之案例。以公共英语的教学为例,其教学重点是“篇章的理解”,因此,听力和阅读理解在教学中占主导地位,在几乎所有的考试中它们占总成绩的的60%,并且,考生常常被问到这样的问题:“What is the rough/main/basic/essential idea of the passage/paragraph?”。反观《MBA商务英语》教学,我们认为,商务英语教学的重点已经不是“对篇章大概意思的理解”,而是对微观的某一个术语乃至单词意思最精准的理解,甚至同一个单词后面是否带“s”,意思大相径庭。总之,我们是微观地研究分析问题,特别是要及时地演示即席翻译。相对我们的教学目的,WORD文档比PPT更适用,这就是为何我提交的是WORD文档而非PPT文档课件,特此说明。 (本人对全商学院开的《哈弗商务谈判》和其他课型和讲座使用的PPT, 如需要马上提供。) Notice to Reviewing Experts of the Course: To me, PPT as a teaching means of presentation is on the whole suitable for the teaching of other courses of the MBA curriculum and general college English because the focus of their teaching is to grasp of the outlining or frame-work of the course assisted with some case-studies. Take the teaching of general English for example, its focus of teaching is “comprehension at discourse level”. So both listening and reading comprehensions have the lion’s share in the teaching and studying. Students are frequently asked such questions: 揥hat is the rough/main/basic/essential idea of the 相passage/paragraph?? Unlike the teaching of the above-mentioned courses, the focus of i“MBA Business English” is no longer the rough comprehension of a passage/paragraph, instead, we care about the most accurate meaning of an individual expression even a word , as a word ‘s ending with or without “s” can make drastic difference. In brief, in this course, we take a microscopic study of things at sentence or expression level. In particular, we need to present impromptu translations in class. For these purposes, WORD is more suitable than PPT. That is why I submit the courseware in WORD than PPT system. (I use PPT in the course of “Harvard Business Negotiating” for ordinary master students of the whole Economics and Management School.


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