学术英语 医学 Unit 2.ppt

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学术英语 医学 Unit 2

“New Flu Strain Spreads: Death Toll Reaches Half Million.” 1. 通行费 toll gate 2. (死亡、事故或灾难的)总数 3. 造成恶果(或不利影响、痛苦等) Winter takes its toll on your health... 冬天对健康不利。 “New Flu Strain Spreads: Death Toll Reaches Half Million.” 1. (人的)血缘,世系;种 She is of a noble strain. 她出身名门。 2. (动植物的)种,品种 This strain of wheat can grow during a cold spring. 这种品系的小麦能在寒冷的春天生长。 “New Flu Strain Spreads: Death Toll Reaches Half Million.” 1. 通行费 toll gate 2. (死亡、事故或灾难的)总数 3. 造成恶果(或不利影响、痛苦等) Winter takes its toll on your health... 冬天对健康不利。 We know better. 更明白事理, 没愚蠢到…,不会上当 Fools may believe you, but I know better. 傻子或许会相信你, 我可不会。 我不会愚蠢到干出这种事情来。 I know better than to do such a thing. That said 1. That said, heres a word of warning: moocs wont stay free forever. 尽管如此,还是需要提醒你一下:MOOC不会永远免费。 2. That said, networking is perhaps the single best way to achieve success. 也就是说,联络似乎是一个通向成功的最佳方法。 Every returning condition marches to the beat of a different drum. “These re-emerging infections each have a little winkle to them that is important.” 每种回归疾病的步调各有不同。“这些再现的疾病,其各自特征都与以前有所不同,这点很重要。” 1. 妙计;好主意 Ill give you a wrinkle or two. 我给你出几个点子。 2. 方法;技巧;(方法等的)创新 Hitch a ride: 搭便车; 搭顺风车 We can hitch a ride to London on a lorry. 我们可以免费搭乘卡车去伦敦. Flesh-eating disease is the common name for necrotizing fasciitis (坏死性筋膜炎) . Flesh-eating disease can be caused by a number of different bacteria, including group A streptococcus (GAS). GAS is a very common bacteria. It is the same bacteria that causes scarlet fever and rheumatic fever. In rare instances, GAS will cause serious illnesses, including pneumonia, meningitis and blood poisoning. For no good reason: 没有好的理由,无正当的理由 That child is always crying for no good reason. 那个孩子总是无缘无故地哭. If there is…it is… For emphasis E.g.如果有什么需要改变,那就是改变本身。 If there is anything that needs change, it is change itself. Lay up: If someone is laid up with an illness, the illness makes it necessary for them to stay in bed (疾病)使卧床 E.g. She was laid up wit


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