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毕业设计(论文) 课题名称:某小区排水管道系统设计 班 级: 学 号: 姓 名: 指导教师: 2015 年 6 月 10 日 某小区排水管道系统设计 () 摘 要 排水体制一般分为合流制和分流制两种类型。合理地选择排水体制、设计一套更具灵活性的排水系统,是城市和小区排水系统设计的首要问题。本次设计根据小区规划、环境保护要求、污水利用情况、原有排水设施、水质、水量、地形、气候和受纳水体等条件,从全局出发,在满足环境保护的前提下,通过技术经济比较,综合考虑选择雨、污分流的排水体制。 设计内容包括确定排水区界和划分排水流域后,对污水和雨水干管及支管进行排水管网布置。管道系统设计中,对设计管段进行划分和其服务面积或汇水面积的计算,确定各设计参数,然后对各干管及支管进行水力计算。污水管道系统设计中确定了各设计管段的管长、设计流量、流速、管径、充满度、地面标高、管内水面标高、管底标高等以及管道埋设深度。雨水管道系统设计中确定了各设计管段的管长、设计流量、流速、管径、地面标高、管底标高以及覆土厚度。最后绘制污水管网和雨水管网的平面图和主干管的纵剖面图。 关键词:排水体制;分流制;污水管网;雨水管网;水力计算 Design Of Drainage Pipeline System In A District () Abstract Drainage system is generally divided into two types of combined and diversion system. Rational choice of drainage system and design of a more flexible drainage system are the primary problems of urban or district drainage system. According to the planning of the District, the environmental protection requirements, sewage utilization, original drainage facilities, water quality, water quantity, topography, climate and receiving water conditions, the rain, sewage diversion drainage system is selected through the technical and economic comparison, proceed from the overall situation, under the premise of satisfying the environmental protection. The design contents include determining the drainage area and the division drainage basin, arranging the pipe networks, dividing the main and branch sewage and rainwater pipes, determining the design parameters and calculating the service area or catchment area calculation. The length of pipes, design flow, velocity, diameter, full of, ground elevation, inner tube water surface elevation, the bottom of the tube higher and pipeline buried depth are determined in the design of sewage pipe system. The tube length of each pipe section design, design flow, velocity, diameter, ground elevation, elevation and soil thickness bottom of the tube are determined in the design of rainwater piping system. Finally the plan and longitudin


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