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二、图象的光谱分辨率(Spectral Resolution) Number and size of the bands which can be recorded by the sensor – nominal spectral resolution Course – sensitive to large portion of ems contained in a small number of wide bands Fine – sensitive to same portion of ems but have many small bands Goal – finer spectral sampling to distinguish between scene objects and features More detailed information about how individual features reflect or emit em energy increase probability of finding unique characteristics that enable a feature to be distinguished from other features. 波谱分辨率是指传感器在接受目标辐射的波谱时能分辨的最小波长间隔。间隔愈小,分辨率愈高。传感器的波段选择必须考虑目标的光谱特征值。 Spectral reflectance curves Spectral signatures Spectral Resolution Difficult to create detector that has extremely sharp bandpass boundaries such as describe in previous slide More precise method of stating bandwidth is look at typical Gaussian-shape of the detector sensitivity Describe bandwidth as Full Width at Half Maximum (FWHW) 辐射分辨率是指传感器接受波谱信号时,能分辨的最小辐射度差。在遥感图像上表现为每一像元的辐射量化级。 某个波段遥感图像的总信息量与空间分辨率(以像元数n表示)、辐射分辨率(以灰度量化级D表示)有关。 在多波段遥感中,遥感图像总信息量还取决于波段数k。 三、辐射分辨率( Radiometric Resolution ) Refers to the sensitivity of the sensor to incoming radiance. How much change in radiance must there before a change in recorded brightness value takes place. This sensitivity to different signal levels will determine the total number of values that can be generated by the sensor 26 = (0-63) 64 28 = (0-255) 256 210 = (0-1023) 1024 Examples: GOES Imager – 10bit Landsat 7 ETM+ - 8bit Landsat 7 Science Data Users Handbook 四、图象的时间分辨率(Temporal Resolution) 时间分辨率指对同一地点进行采样的时间间隔,即采样的时间频率,也称重访周期。 时间分辨率对动态监测很重要。 * * Relationship between size of a feature to be identifed and spatial resolution of rs system Satellite systems operate in fixed orbits with fixed optical systems that have a constant IFOV in comparison to aerial photography. Add graphic showing satellite and FOV/IFOV SPOT panchromatic band – 10x10m Landsat TM – 30x30m Landsat MSS – 79x79m


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