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山 东 科 技 大 学 本科毕业设计(论文) 题 目 济南显丽家具制造厂 员工激励问题及对策分析 学 院 名 称 财 经 系 专业班级 工商管理0 学生姓名 学 号 指 导 教 师 填表时间: 2011年 5月 20号 摘 要 随着我国经济的不断飞速发展,国内外企业之间的竞争不断地加剧,激烈的竞争使每个企业不断地探索采用新的方式应对变化多端的市场环境。也正是这样的环境使每个企业意识到企业员工的重要性。 员工,作为企业组织的不可或缺的一部分,正在成为各个企业竞争的对象。因为对于任何企业来讲,企业之间的竞争归根到底是人才的竞争。比尔盖茨是人才,但不是每个企业的员工对要像盖茨那样有才华,企业要的是能够跟随企业不断发展的员工。需要的是各层员工对企业的那份忠诚。然而如何吸引复合型员工、留住知识型员工、激励普通员工,是企业引进人才策略的关键,所以,员工激励就成为企业人力资源管理的重要内容。 本文主要对济南显丽家具制造厂的员工激励策略进行研究。首先,本文对员工激励的背景进行简单介绍,了解国内外的研究现状、介绍本文的研究方法及思路以及研究的内容,然后,依托理论依据、员工激励的方式方法揭示员工激励存在的问题及解决思路。最后根据显丽家具制造厂员工激励的方式与方法提出存在的问题,并提出相应的解决策略。使员工激励在人力资源管理方面发挥其应有的作用。 关键词:激励;激励方式;员工激励;济南显丽家具制造厂 Abstract As China's economy continues to rapid development at home and abroad, the competition between enterprises constantly intensifies, the fierce competition makes each enterprise continuously explore new ways to cope with change multiterminal by the market environment. It is also environment made each enterprise realized the importance of enterprise employees. The organization of enterprise employees, as an essential part of every enterprise competition is becoming the object. Because for any corporations, the competition between enterprises in the final analysis they are talent competition. Bill Gates is a talent, but not every enterprise employees to like the gates so talented, enterprises should be able to follow corporate development staff. Need is each layer of enterprise employees the piece of loyalty. However, how to attract complex employees, retain knowledge staff, incentive ordinary employees, is the enterprise is the key to introduce talents strategy, so, employees incentive will become enterprise human resources management is the important content. This paper mainly hanrex furniture factory of jinan studied the motivational strategies. First of all, the paper on the background of employee motivation are simply described, understand the rese


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