【3年高考2年模拟】2016届高三英语一轮复习能力过关检测: Module 5 Great People and Great Inventions of Ancient China(人教版).docVIP

【3年高考2年模拟】2016届高三英语一轮复习能力过关检测: Module 5 Great People and Great Inventions of Ancient China(人教版).doc

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【3年高考2年模拟】2016届高三英语一轮复习能力过关检测: Module 5 Great People and Great Inventions of Ancient China(人教版).doc

Module 5 Great People and Great Inventions of Ancient China 一、单句填空 1.Fitness is important in sport,but of at least   (equality) importance are skills.? 2.It is feared that it will be many years   the two countries at war make peace.? 3.The reason   I like country music is that it brings peace and joy to me.? 4.Once the poison is brought   ,there is no further danger.? 5.This article may shock some sensitive readers,   whom I offer my apologies in advance.? 6.(2014重庆六校期末联考,25)—Guess what! I have got A for my term paper. —Great! You   have read widely and put a lot of work into it.? 7.(2014福州八县一中期中联考,31)—Jack had prepared for the game for such a long time.We all thought he could   (win) it.? —What a pity! He was too nervous when playing it. 8.(2014江苏无锡期中,31)—Where is Tom? He is nowhere to be found. —I’m not sure,but he   have gone to meet Lucy,because Lucy called him earlier.? 9.(2014浙江余姚中学期中,9)I’m not sure of the exact number,but   (rough)speaking,I would say there are 100 guests or so.? 10.We bring   the best in each other.We trust one another.And we are constantly challenging ourselves to do our best.? 二、语法填空   The man who is going to fix our roof has to be 1 (honest)person my husband and I have ever met.? My husband knew the back roof over the porch was fine and wanted 2 (see)what this roofer said when he gave his estimate.He told my husband that that back roof was just fine and then gave the estimate for the rest of the roof:$2,400.? He called last night to tell us he could do the roof on Monday but 3 (tell)us he had measured the roof 4 (correct)by forgetting to add on the front part of the roof. 5 instead of giving us a new estimate,he told us he 6 (go)to do the roof for what he quoted us.? My husband asked him what the correct estimate would 7 .He said $3,000.Well,that’s what I had thought it would be so that’s 8 I set aside.My husband was simply 9 (amaze)at this roofer.? The roofer doesn’t know it yet and he’ll be getting the$3,000.He’s honest and is planning


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