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PCOS的预防与调护 1.过胖的多囊卵巢患者应科学减肥 过胖的多囊卵巢综合征患者(BMI24)应以有效而健康的方式减重:包含每天约少500大卡热量摄取,使体重能以每月约降2公斤的安全速度进行。 2.多囊卵巢综合征治疗要优化饮食 饮食调整是PCOS重要的辅助治疗,除总热量外,对于到达标准体重或原本不胖的患者,选择食物都应小心。为免控制饮食造成吸收不足,应视情况每天补充500~1500毫克(mg)钙片和一颗含400微克(mcg)叶酸的综合维他命、每日水分应达8杯水量;为避免血脂质异常,少吃含饱和脂肪酸与氢化脂肪酸食品,如猪牛羊肉、肥肉、各种家禽及家畜皮、奶油、人工奶油、全脂奶、油炸食物、中西式糕饼;鱼肉、蛋白、豆、坚果是比较好的蛋白质源。 3.进行适量的运动 规律运动可以帮助血糖、血脂质、血压控制。 Diagnostic features of PCOS are hirsutism, anovulation, and polycystic ovaries, which show arrested follicular maturation; obesity and insulin resistance are frequently associated conditions. The major biochemical feature of PCOS is androgen excess, which causes hirsutism. Androgens also appear to inhibit the negative-feedback effects of estrogens and progesterone on pulsatile LH release. Women with PCOS have increased pulsatile GnRH release, which results in higher levels of LH and lower levels of FSH in most individuals. Higher LH (and insulin) levels seem to cause increased androgen production by follicular theca cells whereas lower FSH levels lead to anovulation. Obesity and insulin resistance decrease levels of sex-hormone-binding globulin and thereby increase testosterone bioactivity. If follicular granulosa cells are insulin resistant, it might affect their responses to FSH; otherwise, granulosa cells appear to be very capable of releasing estrogen in response to FSH, perhaps as a result of the actions of androgens and insulin. Abbreviations: FSH, follicle-stimulating hormone; GnRH, gonadotropin-releasing hormone; LH, luteinizing hormone. * The central abnormality in polycystic ovary syndrome is predisposition to excess ovarian androgen secretion. The resulting raised serum androgen levels affect pituitary LH secretion and contribute to the mechanism of anovulation. Hyperandrogenism also affects insulin sensitivity and secretion, but independent genetic and dietary factors might also have a role. Once established, both hypersecretion of LH and hyperinsulinaemia further exacerbate ovarian theca cell androgen pro



