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分项工程质量检验评定表Quality Inspection and Evaluation of Section 路评-01表 Name of Subsection分项工程名称:石方路基 Name of Section所属分部工程名称:Subgrade Name of Project所属建设项目: Engineering Position Chainage Construction Unit: Consultant: Basic requirements 石方路堑的开挖宜采用光面爆破法。爆破后应及时清理险石、松石,确保边坡安全稳定;Rock excavation should be by smooth blasting method. Shall promptly clean up the rock of danger, loose rock after blasting to ensure the side slope safe and stable. 修筑填石路堤时,应进行地表清理,逐层水平填筑石块,摆放平稳,码砌边部。填筑层厚度及石块尺寸应符合设计和施工规范规定: 填石空隙用石渣、石屑嵌压稳定。上、下路床填料和石料最大尺寸应符合规范规定。采用振动压路机分层碾压,压至填筑层顶面石块稳定,20t以上压路机振压两遍无明显标高差异;ibratory rollers to the extent that the top aggregate is stable and no significant elevation difference after compaction with 20t or more roller two times. 路基表面应整修平整。 Inspected Items Serial No. Inspected items 规定值或允许偏差Specified value or permitted deviatioin 实测值或实测偏差值Measured value or deviation 质 量 评 定Quality appraisal Class I highway, Class II highway Other type of highway 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Average value, typical value Percentage of qualification % Weight Scoring 1 Compaction Layer thickness and number of compaction comply with requirement 3 2 Longitudinal elevation mm ﹢10,﹣20 ﹢10,﹣30 2 3 Centerline deviation mm 50 100 2 4 Width mm Compliance with design requirement 2 5 Evenness mm 20 30 2 6 Crosfall横 坡(%) ±0.3 ±0.5 1 7 Side slope Gradient Compliance with design requirement 1 平顺度 Compliance with design requirement Total: 13 外观鉴定Exterior appraisal Score deduction 监理意见Comments from consultant 质量保证资料Quality assurance documents 减分Score deduction 工程质量等级评定Grading of engineering quality Scoring: Grade quality: Person in charge of Inspection: Inspected by: Recorded by: Rechecked by: Date:


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