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参考译文: Will the president of Brazil be impeached? That question and the story surrounding it are first up today on CNN STUDENT NEWS. 巴西总统罗塞夫是否会被弹劾?今天我们的头条新闻就是关于这个问题展开。 Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff is the first female leader of the federal republic. She was elected in 2010 and reelected in 2014. 巴西总统迪尔玛·罗塞夫是巴西历史上首位女总统,2010年首次当选巴西总统,2014年蝉联。 Brazil`s lower house of Congress voted on Sunday to impeach her. And if the Senate also approves that, President Rousseff would be suspended and would have to defend herself in a trial. This is all happening as Brazil prepares to host the Olympics this August. 巴西下议院周日投票弹劾巴西总统罗塞夫。如果得到参议院批准,罗塞夫将会被停职,并接受法庭审判。而在今年8月份,巴西将举办奥品匹克运动会。 President Rousseff is a polarizing figure in Brazil. Critics blamed her for the nation`s worst recession in decades. A huge corruption scandal involving Brazil`s government-run oil company has led to the resignations of numerous politicians, including dozens in the president`s political party, the worker`s party. 巴西总统罗塞夫是一个两级分化的任务。由于过去几年,巴西经济严重衰退,批评认识将责任归咎于总统罗塞夫。同时巴西国家石油公司等大型的腐败丑闻导致众多纷纷辞职,这其中包括巴西总统的所属党派劳工党。 But Rousseff herself has not been accused of corruption, and she says she hasn`t committed any impeachable crimes. She and her supporters promised to fight the proceedings. 但是,罗塞夫对于腐败指控拒不承认,罗塞夫称自己并未犯任何弹劾罪。罗塞夫和其支持者承诺会继续对抗诉讼。 On South America`s west coast, as the country of Ecuador picks up the pieces from Saturday evening`s earthquake, President Rafael Correa says rebuilding will cost billions. Help is pouring from all over the region, as well as the European and the United Nations. Communications are out in many parts of Ecuador. Survivors need water. It`s hard to get that to them because the highways are in such bad shape. That`s also a problem for rescue efforts. 在南美西海岸,厄瓜多尔自周六晚上强震之后,余震不断。总统拉斐尔·科雷亚称重建工作将会耗费数十亿美元。各方纷纷对该地区进行援助,这其中包括欧洲各国以及联合国。厄瓜多尔许多地区通讯受损。生还者需要水,但是由于高速公路遭到破坏,水源的输送非常困难。对于援救工作还存在其他问题。 听力原文: Will the president of Brazil be impeached? That question and the story surrounding it are first u


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