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Name_________ Class ________ Senior ___2___ Mark His music is purer than a poem in words. 他的音乐比诗文更具诗意。 He sat listening to theof the grandfather clock. 他坐着倾听那个落地式大钟的嘀嗒声。 I cant lay blame anywhere and that me . 我不能把责任推卸到任何地方,这令我很恼火。 June alwayswith moon in old love songs. June(六月)在古老的情歌中总是和moon(月亮)押韵。 When I returned home, I tried to the wonder of this machine to my husband. 回到家之后,我设法让我丈夫知道这台机器的神奇之处。 Happiness was an that Jerry was having to relearn. 幸福是一种杰瑞当时不得不再学习的感情。 He has painted murals in his childrens . 他在他家的育儿室画上了壁画。 You could use their favourite to play a game together or settle down and sing along to their favourite television theme songs. 您可以通过他们最喜爱的童谣来和他们一起玩游戏或一起坐下来和他们一起唱他们最喜爱的电视主题曲。 We sat on the floor. 我们坐在混凝土地板上。 I had no evidence. 我当时没有明确而具体的证据。 oday the city government has taken measures to prevent a of last years confrontation. 今天市政府已经采取了措施来防止去年的冲突重演。 Customs officials have made a series of statements about the equipment. 海关官员们对于这种设备做出了一系列相互矛盾的陈述。 He drew the seven of . 他抽了方块7。 All three attacks followed the same . 3次袭击都依照同一模式。 They used to have a in N.W. Scotland. 他们过去在苏格兰西北部有间村舍。 With a flap of its wings the flew off. 麻雀忒儿一声飞了。 Now, I have a different outlook on life:and simplify. 如今,我换了一种截然不同的生活态度:轻松些,简单些。They either time before listing any actions, or list more actions than they will ever be able to implement. On the world stage 60 per cent think China is set to become the worlds leading superpower, while a third of us think Great Britain will four self-governed countries. 在世界的舞台上60%认为中国势将成为世界领先的超级大国,而三分之一的美国人认为英国将由四个独立国家组成。 He told her how the boys had set on him, him. 他告诉她那些男孩曾是如何攻击他、取笑他的。 Crooks eyelids and he yawned. 克鲁克的眼睑垂了下来,打起了呵欠。 ImChristmas this year. 我害怕今年的圣诞节。 No one knew how to treat this disease. 没人知道如何治疗这种可怕的疾病。 Children seem to be endued with vitality. 儿童们仿佛赋有无限活力。 Thinking of you, dear, with love and affection on y


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