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Representative playwrighs George Bernard Shaw About George Bernard Shaw Major plays Comments (1856-1950)the greatest dramatist in English literature in the 20th century. Followed the tradition of realism in dramatic writing. Influenced by Marx ( but failed to grasp the necessity of a revolutionary of the world), Fabian society(the English reformist organization) Supported the force of revolution and democracy (民主)in their struggle against imperialism(帝国主义) and reaction. Lenin judged him as “a good man fallen among the Fabians”. Two periods The early period : realistic novels ,( criticise the stupidity , snobbishness (势力)and petty tyranny of the middle class) In the 1890s: turned to theatre , working as a dramatic critic ,then ,writing play for the stage to criticise the evil of capitalism. Defended Ibsen’s theory on dramatic writing, opposed “art for art’s sake”. Major plays three cycles: Plays Unpleasant (1892-1893)(Widowers‘ Houses《鳏夫的房产》, Mrs Warren‘s Profession《华伦夫人的职业》 Plays Pleasant(1894-1897) Arms and Man《武器与人》, The Man of Denisty , Candida Tree Plays for Puritans The Devil’s Disciple《魔鬼的门徒》, Captain Brassbound’s Conversion , Caesar and Cleopatra《凯撒与艳后》 Other plays Major Barbara 《巴巴拉少校》(the true nature of monopoly capitalism) Heartbreak House《伤心之家》 Saint Joan《圣女贞德》 The Apple Cart 《苹果车》 Man and Superman《人与超人》 Pygmalion《皮革马利翁》 /《卖花女》 Too True to be Good ( Shaw’s last plays . It shows the decay腐败 of capitalism and the growth of a reasonable republic. ) Comments Critical realist writer . His plays bitterly criticise and attack the vices of bourgeois society and expose the social conflicts. Deal with contemporary social problems . Humourist . (satire.exposing the vice or folly of the age) Brought English drama a second golden period. The most important representative of critical realism in modern English drama. The Theatre of the Absurd Samuel Beckett About the author: 1906-1989,born near Dublin ,translator and a critic but devoted


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