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防范措施 Prevention measures 学生宿舍起火的主要原因 The main reason for the fire happened in the students dormitory. 1、严禁乱扔烟头It is forbidden to throw cigarette butts. 2、禁用大功率电器It is forbidden to use high-power electrical appliances. 3、在使用各类电器过程中,若发现冒烟或闻到异味,要迅速切断电源进行检查In the process of using all kinds of electrical appliances, if you found smoking or smelling, cut off the power and inspect all over your doom as quickly as possible. 4、点蜡烛It is forbidden to light candles. 一些学生考试前临时抱佛脚,晚上在宿舍点起蜡烛“加夜班”,有的一不小心碰倒蜡烛,或是睡着了而蜡烛未熄,结果蜡烛烧倒地,点燃了书籍、床板等可燃物品,引起火灾。Some students cramming before the examination, at night they always light a candle to have a night shift in the dormitory. Sometimes they accidentally knock over the candle, or fall asleep while the candle is not extinguished, then the candle burning, lit the combustible items such as book, bed board, at last start a fire. 5、抽烟It is forbidden to smoke in the doom. 有的同学烟抽完后不掐灭烟头,随手扔掉,万一掉在易燃物品上,很容易引起火情。Some students dont put out the cigarette butts after smoking, Once the cigarette butts drop on the flammable items, it is easy to cause fire disaster. 6、违章用电It is forbidden to violate of regulation of using electricity. 使用劣质电器和大功率电器(包括劣质应急灯、充电器、电吹风、取暖器等),使电线超负荷,因此很容易造成短路引起火情。 Use inferior and high-power electrical appliances (including inferior emergency lights, chargers, hair dryer, heater, etc.), make electrical wiring overload, so it is easy to cause short circuit then cause the fire disaster. 7、焚烧杂物Burning debris. 在宿舍或走廊内焚烧杂物是非常危险的,如果人离开而火未灭,或是火太大无法控制,极易引起火灾。 Burning debris in the dormitory or in the corridor is very dangerous, if people leave and the fire is not extinguished or the fire is too big to control, it is easy to cause fire. 火灾逃生Fire escape 火灾袭来时要迅速疏散逃生,不要贪恋财物。When you facing the fire disaster, escape quickly, dont lust after property. 2.必须穿过浓烟逃生时,应尽量用浸湿的衣物包裹身体,捂住口鼻,贴近地面。When you must pass through smoke, try your best to use wet clothes or quilt to cover your body, nose and mouth, keep your body close to the ground. 3.身上着


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