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harebrained 轻率的 harebrained 轻率的 hare hearted 胆小的 欠考虑的harebrained Hare 野兔 Masochism Masochistic Masochism irrevocable adj.不可改变的, 不可反转的 His life was set on an irrevocable course. 他的生活道路不可改变。 frenzy n.狂乱 In a frenzy of hate he killed his enemy. 他在一阵痛恨之下杀死了他的敌人。 极度的激动 dungeon 名词 n. 1.地牢 a weird atmosphere in the dungeon 地牢里怪异的气氛 The captured rebels were consigned to the dungeons. 抓到的叛乱分子被送进了地牢。 Throw him into the dungeon and leave him there. 把他扔进地牢,让他呆在那儿。 whiff n.些微的气味、空气或烟 A whiff of fresh air cleared his head. 他吸了一点新鲜空气后头脑清醒了。 (呼吸时)吸入的少量的某物 He lost consciousness at the first whiff of ether. 他一嗅到乙醚便失去了知觉。 口难闻的气味 Now and again, he caught a whiff of a peculiar smell. 他不时闻到一股怪味。 Get a whiff of that. spinach n.菠菜 Eating spinach is supposed to make you strong. 据说吃菠菜能使人强壮。 strenuous 形容词 adj. 1.费力的; 须用力应付的; 繁重的; 艰苦的 He made strenuous attempts to stop her. 他为阻止她付出了极大的努力。 2.劲头十足的;奋力的;顽强的 jock a person trained to compete in sports a support for the genitals worn by men engaging in strenuous exercise alight vi.飞落 A sparrow alighted on the branch. 一只麻雀飞落在树枝上。 alight on/upon 突然注意到;偶然发现(或想到) My eye alighted on an old book. 我的目光突然落到了一本旧书上。 He finally alighted on a solution. 他最后偶然想到了解决方法。 adj.点着的, 照亮的 He wore a face alight with happiness. 他脸上喜气洋洋。 sadistic adj.有(性)虐待狂的 Do sadistic films deprave the viewers? 有关性虐待的电影能使观众堕落吗 The guards were sadistic beasts and their leader was the devil incarnate. 那些警卫都是残暴的野兽, 他们的首领是个魔鬼的化身. 3. The slave trader accepted the money and gave the young girl over to the tender mercies of her new sadistic master. 奴隶贩子拿了钱,将这个小姑娘交给了一个新的主人,一个残酷无情的施虐狂。 4. Retaining traces of necromantic magic, this shamble of bone finds sadistic pleasure in temporarily sending his enemies into a tormented dimension and greeting their return with blast of unholy energy. 他保有死灵法术的残留力量,这把摇摇晃晃的骨头会将他的敌人送入一个痛苦的异次元空间,再以不洁能量的爆发迎接他们归来,从中取得残虐的悦乐 Sadistic Masochistic sadism sexual pleasure obtained by inflicting harm (physical or


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