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酒店顾客“加床”服务要求标准处理 Why is this task important for you and our guests? 为什么此项任务对您和客人如此重要?Answers: 回答: I am able to increase the GSTS score.能够提升客人的满意指数 I can show my professionalism.能够展示我们的专业 If a guest needs an additional bed or baby cot, it is important for me that the additional person is not too squashed and has sufficient space to enjoy a comfortable sleep.如果客人需要加床或是婴儿床,客人主要是不想太挤并希望有足够舒适的地方睡觉 WHAT/ STEPS HOW/ STANDARDS 如何做/标准 1)????? Guest calls Guest Service Center客人通知宾客服务中心 When a guest requests an extra bed or baby cot through the Guest Service Center, the HSK Office will be called to deliver the baby cot. FO must advise the guest of the additional charge.当客人向宾客服务中心提出需要加床和婴儿床时,客房办公室应通知相应的员工去做,前厅部需要向客人解释相关的额外的费用 HK office will call Floor Supervisor and the Room Attendant will deliver baby cot.客房办公室将通知楼层主管和服务员去送婴儿床 2)????? Guest calls HK directly or asks Room Attendant.客人直接通知员工 If the guest calls directly Housekeeping, the coordinator will call the Floor Supervisor and Room Attendant will immediately deliver the request. HSK Office will advise the guest of the charge当客人直接通知员工时,员工应及时通知主管,并及时给客人送去,.办公室需要告诉客人收费的标准 HK Coordinator must inform FO of the additional charge.客房员工一定要通知前台关于额外费用 3)????? Preparation准备 Check to ensure that the bed or cot is in good condition.检查确保床或者婴儿床处于良好的状况 Prepare bed sheets, blanket, pillows and pillow cases to make the bed准备床单,毛毯,枕头和枕头套做床 Stock for the linen is in the pantry. 从工作间拿取布草 4)????? Making bed做床 Greet guest and politely confirm with the guest the extra bed or baby cot and ask for the location to set up the bed/cot by saying:礼貌的问候客人并且和客人确认摆放加床或婴儿床的位置并将其展开 Madame/Sir I deliver your extra bed/baby cot. What would be the most convenient place for you to set up the bed?女士/先生,这是您需要的加床/婴儿床,您看放在什么位置您觉得最合适? Make bed according to “How to make up bed” SOP.做床参照如何做床的程序执行 5) Guest amenities客人用品 Provide the guest with additional amenities accordingly as:提供客人用品参照以下标准执行 -????????? Shampoo洗发水 -?????????


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