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Bode diagram of a minimum-phase system SP15.7 Determine transfer function. 10 100 20 20 -40db/dec -60db/dec -60db/dec -20db/dec Bode diagram of a minimum-phase system. +90 -180 -90 0.1 100 1 40 -40db/dec -40db/dec -20db/dec -20db/dec SP 15.8 Determine TF Plot the Bode Diagram of a complex system expressed in transfer function. Determine the Transfer Function of a minimum-phase system according to the magnitude-frequency curve . conclusion At the end of this Module students should be able to Homework 15.1 15.3 15.5 40 -40db/dec -20db/dec db (a) -40db/dec -20db/dec db -40db/dec (b) -20db/dec db 20db/dec (c) The Bode diagrams of three minimum-phase systems are shown (a)(b)(c).Determine transfer functions * * * MODULE 15 Bode Diagrams MODULE 15 Bode Diagrams (3 hours) What is the Bode diagram Bode diagram of simple elements Bode diagram of open-loop TF How to obtain TF from Bode diagram Logarithmic magnitude-frequency Logarithmic phase-frequency 15.1 The Definition of Bode Diagram Bode diagram ? is plotted on a logarithmic scale decade (十倍频程) M is expressed in decibels, Mdb=20lg|GH(j?)| ? is expressed in degree ? (?) =?GH(j?) Why ? 20 10 0 15.2 Bode Diagrams of Simple Elements Proportional element Integral element Differential element Inertial element First-order Differential element Second-order integral element Second-order Differential element 40 30 10 0 20 -45o -90o 90o 45o 0o K=10 K=100 10-1 100 101 102 (1) Proportional element K=1 (2) Integral element The slope of the straight line is –20db/decade. (-20分贝/每十倍频程)) 40 20 -20 -40 0 -45o -90o 90o 45o 0o 10-1 100 101 102 ?=1? Mdb=0 Slope: –20×ndb/dec ?=1? Mdb=0 40 20 -20 -40 0 180o 90o 0o 10-1 100 101


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