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* (4) There be no end to doing… 无止境。 If everyone wants others to dance to his music, there will be no end to fighting in the world. 要是大家都要其它的人来按照他的意志做事,那么世界上就永远没有安宁的日子。 (5) without so much as doing = even…. not. 甚至,连…都没有。 He started his company without so much as having his own office. 他创办公司时连自己的办公室都没有(from )。 (6) lose no time in doing = begin to do …at once. 立刻做…。 There are very few days left for examination, so we can lose no time in revising our lessons. 离考试没几天了,我们得抓紧复习我们的功课了。 * (7) be up on the point of doing … = be going to do …即将做…。 We believe our China is on the point of creating a new era. 我们相信我们中国即将开创一个新时代。 (8) in (the) hope of doing …怀着…希望。 After graduating from university, he went to Shenzhen in the hope of finding a good job. 大学毕业以后,他去深圳希望找到一个好的工作。 (9) for the purpose of doing …= for the sake of …为了…。 He went on studying abroad for the purpose of serving the people better. 他继续去国外深造以便能更好地为人民服务。 * (10) come near doing… = almost do…几乎,差一点儿。 He came near dying in the traffic accident. 他在那场车祸中差一点丧了命 * 第22讲 -ED分词 * 22.1 -ed分词作前置修饰语 -ed分词作前置修饰语通常来自及物动词,少数来自不及物动词。分述如下: 1)来自及物动词的-ed分词作前置修饰语 来自及物动词的-ed分词作前置修饰语通常带有被动意义和完成意义;而能作上述用法的-ing分词有的来自及物动词,有的来自不及物动词,通常带有主动意义和未完成意义。试比较: frozen food a freezing wind a bored traveler a boring journey a lost cause a losing battle a conquered army a conquering army a finished article the last finishing touch the spoken word a speaking bird a recorded talk a recording machine a closed shop the closing hour written language writing paper * 有些-ed分词通常不能单独使用作前置修饰语,但若加前缀un-或者为副词所修饰而构成“副词+-ed分词”的复合形容词以后,便可作作前置修饰语。例如: uninvited guests badly-built house untold sufferings far-fetched reasons unheard-of stories newly-born children an undetermined boundary half-baked ideas an unedited story highly-developed industry an unexpected happening a


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