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Analyzing A Discourse
* * * For the record, this was similar to reviewing intro physics texts; the text books were pretty much highly generalized clones espousing a very standardized canon -- instead of Ch 1 about units and measurement and Ch 18 or19 being electric charge; here Ch 2 or 3 was about human development; all had a section on individual differences / differentiated instruction; all had sections on assessment and testing, instructional planning and management and all seemed pretty broadly focused on K-12 students with examples mainly from the first six years of school. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * FSMERA Tampere MacIsaac Educational Psychology for Physics Teachers: Using standard introductory physics concepts as illustrations?Dan MacIsaac Kathleen Falconer, SUNY-Buffalo State College, Buffalo NY 14222 danmacisaac@?We describe some standard ideas from typical educational psychology courses taken by pre-service teachers, and both extend and illustrate them with touchstone situations from physics teaching practices and Physics Education Research (PER) literature. We attempt to make educational psychology ideas appealing, interesting, relevant and immediate for future physics teachers, and introduce physics pedagogical content knowledge from PER into the professional vocabulary of our new colleagues.?This talk is available online at /pubs/UHelsinki/Tampere2010.doc 15.10.2010 * FSMERA Tampere MacIsaac Talk overview: the Big Idea Some definitions / aphorisms to set the tone Which Educational Psychology textbooks? What’s in the books? What’s missing? Piaget (Genetic epistemology; stage theory) Several examples Vygotsky (ZPD; sociocultural; Thought and Language; ) Example of extraordinary discourse (3:20 RTOP4.mov) Conclusions Thanks? Bibliography 15.10.2010 * FSMERA Tampere MacIsaac The Big Idea:?(Really focused on US practice, but maybe of interest to Finnish physics teachers.)?Educational psychology (Ed Psych), like several education courses taken