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可视化项目实施前面临的问题 Visual problems before project implementation 行业的发展、市场的扩大、企业的成长,都必然引起很多问题。这些问题迫使物流企业考虑采取新的运营技术和管理方式来应对挑战。 The development of the industry, market expansion, the growth of the enterprise, must cause many problems. These questions force logistics companies considering new operation technology and management way to cope with the challenges. 首先,庞大的物流网络使集成管理难度加大。大型物流企业物流网络庞大,运输车辆数目众多且分散在全国各地,需要集中监控管理时,无论是运输任务的分配,还是车辆的调度,包括司机绩效的评定考核,传统的、多为人工调度的方式根本无法满足管理要求。 First of all, a huge logistics network integration management. Large logistics enterprise logistics network, transport vehicle number and scattered all over the country, needs to be centralized monitoring management, whether transport task allocation, and vehicle scheduling, including the driver performance evaluation assessment, traditional, mostly artificial scheduling mode cannot meet the management requirement. 其次,传统调度方式带来的物流成本过高。在向集约型现代物流企业转变的过程中,企业迫切需要更加科学、有效的管理方式,来支持帮助其整合资源,发挥现有优势,实现经营战略向通过为客户提供可靠、安全高效的个性化、专业化优质物流服务的转变。物流企业传统的调度管理方式中,还仍然处于依靠电话和司机沟通,人工记录工作分派情况的手工作业状态。传统的物流调度管理方式越来越显现出其力不从心的一面。 Second, the traditional scheduling of logistics cost is too high. In modern logistics enterprises in the process of transformation, to intensive enterprises urgently need to be more scientific and effective management methods, to support the integration of resources, giving full play to the advantages of existing, and implement business strategies to by providing customers with reliable, safe and efficient, personalized, professional high-quality logistics services. Traditional way of scheduling management in logistics enterprises, also is still relying on telephone to communicate with the driver, the manual record referral case state of manual work. Traditional way of logistics scheduling management is more and more shows its side. 同时,客户满意度对物流企业后续发展的影响逐渐增大。更多的物流企业开始重视服务水平与用户满意度提升,增强客户关系的持续性和稳定性。 At the same time, the customer satisfaction of logistics enterprises is gradually increasing influence on the d



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