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四两拨千斤 三、CRES-T 在观赏植物中的应用 Seminars in Cell Developmental Biology 21 (2010) 129–137 耧斗菜 蝴蝶兰 (1)花型的调控 Phenotypic variation in Transgenic Torenia. Wild type Torenia (A) and different lines of transgenic Torenia expressing SEP3SRDX (B–E). SEP3, floral organ identity gene Plant Biotechnology 25, 31–36 (2008) 夏堇(Torenia?fournieri)为玄参科蓝猪耳属一年生草本,原产印度支那半岛。 Plant Biotechnology 25, 45–53 (2008) Plant Biotechnology 28, 153–165 (2011) Induction of double flowers in Pharbitis nil (牵牛花)using a class-C MADSbox transcription factor with Chimeric Repressor gene-Silencing Technology Javier F. Palatnik et al., 2003. Nature , 425 : 257-263 ※ Control of leaf morphogenesis by microRNAs (TCPs function) Plant Biotechnology 28, 131–140 (2011) Creating ruffled褶皱 flower petals in Cyclamen persicum仙客来by expression of the chimeric cyclamen TCP repressor Plant Biotechnology 28, 141–147 (2011) 35S: CpTCP1SRDX CpTCP1 is clustered in the same group as TCP3 (AtTCP3) and TCP4 (AtTCP4) Morphological changes of Rosa hybrida by a chimeric repressor of Arabidopsis TCP3 Plant Biotechnology 28, 149–152 (2011) Plant Biotechnology 28, 131–140 (2011) Arabidopsis chimeric TCP3 repressor produces novel floral traits in Torenia fournieri and Chrysanthemum morifolium Production of picotee-type(花边) flowers in Japanese gentian by CRES-T Plant Biotechnology 28, 173–180 (2011) The expressions of ‘late’ flavonoid biosynthetic genes, including F3H, F3’5’H, DFR and ANS, were strongly suppressed in petals of these transgenic plants. In contrast, the ‘early’ flavonoid biosynthetic genes, such as CHS and FNSII, were not affected. 龙胆 (2)花色的调控 Genetic regulation of flavonoid biosynthesis (Petroni and Tonelli 2011) /fiore/public_db/index.shtml 42 and 50 chimeric repressors of Arabidopsis transcription factors into Agrobacterium and then used these to co-transform torenia (Torenia fournieri). Plant Biotechnology 28, 201–210 (2011) 四、 CRES-T 的Gateway 载体 融合抑制子沉默技术(CRES-T)是一种新型的基因沉默技术,在激活子C-端等位置附加 一段来自于EAR抑制域的核心基序,形成融合蛋白,可将其转变为一


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