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精典专题系列第 2 讲 导入 A happy day 二、知识点回顾(填空形式) Swimming in lakes ______________ dangerous. A. is B. are C. has D. have Speak more, and you’ll __________ your English. A. learn B. improve C. understand D. talk 3. There’s ____________ in today’s newspaper. A. nothing important B. important nothing C. anything important D. important anything 4. Did you ____________ any medicine today? A. eat B. take C. drink D. give 5. What kind of music do you like to ___________? A. hear B. hear to C. listen D. listen to 完成句子 1. They enjoyed themselves at the garden party. (同义句) They _____________ _____________ at the garden party. 2. You should drink some water before the game. (否定句) You ___________ drink ____________ water before the game. 3. To eat a balanced diet is very important. (同义句) _________ very important __________ eat a balanced diet. 4. They are watching TV at home now. (同义句) They are watching TV at home __________ __________ ______________. 5. I bought some fruit this morning. (否定句) I __________ _________ _________ fruit this morning. 6. Why don’t you tell me the new? (同义句) _____________ ____________ tell me the news? 7. Sleeping eight hours a night is important. (同义句) __________ important ___________ ___________ eight hours a night. 8. My cousin has a bad cold. (变为一般疑问句,并作回答) ___________ your cousin _________ a bad cold? Yes, he ___________. 三、(1)专题讲解:被动语态反意疑问句 被动语态的结构:be done 练习: ( )1. When __________ she born? A. is B. was C. are D. were ( )2. I have a friend __________ Monica. A. call B. called C. calls D. calling ( )3. Miss White is very kind __________ her students. A. in B. for C. to D. with ( )4. ---Is the old woman __________? ---Yes, she’s 105 years old. A. lived B. live C. alive D. lives ( )5. Tiger Woods is an American __________. A. golf B. golfer C. golfed D. golfing ( )6. Stop __________! The teacher is coming. A. to talk B. talked C. talks


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