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Lesson 3 Ships in the Desert by Al Gore Objectives To understand the text and analyze the structure of some long and complicated sentences To learn the words and phrases about environment To translate long and complicated sentences To master the rules of word formation To be familiar with the environmental issue Teaching Contents I. Introduction (10 min.) II. Detailed study of the text (140 min.) III. Structure analysis (5 min.) IV. Language appreciation (5 min.) V. Summary of words and phrases (5 min) VI. Writing skills VII. Exercises (15 min) VIII. Questions for discussion I. Introduction about the author ?? Al Gore was born in 1948 in Washington D.C., U.S. He has been a Senator (1984-1992) representing the State of Tennessee, and U.S. Vice-President (1992-2000) under President Bill Clinton. He ran for the Presidency against George W. Bush jr. but the latter won the closely tied election and has become the 43rd American President. The text is taken from Al Gore’s book Earth in the Balance Al Gores profound analysis of where humanity has gone wrong ranges across history, politics, science, economics, psychology, philosophy, and religion. Gore demonstrates that the quality of our air and water is urgently at risk. He clearly illustrates how problems that once were regional have now become global. Gore argues for a worldwide mobilization to save us from disaster. II. The Structural analysis of the text: Para. 1 typical example of environmental destruction Para. 2 thesis statement: My search for the underlying causes of the environmental crisis has let me to travel around the world to check and study cases in order to find out the basic causes behind the environmental crisis. Para. 3 the global warming seen in the Antarctic Para. 4 a thinning cap as the result of Arctic air warms Para. 5 the rising temperature of the earth Para. 6 the images of destruction at the equator Para. 7 images of destruction seen almost anywhere Para. 8 human attitudes tow


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