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解决VLAN间互通的第一种方法是:为每个VLAN分配一个单独的路由器接口,VLAN间的数据通信通过路由器进行三层路由,这样我们就可以实现VLAN之间相互通信。但是,随着每个交换机上VLAN数量的增加,这样做必然需要大量的路由器接口。出于成本的考虑,一般不可能用这种方案来解决VLAN间路由选路问题。此外,某些VLAN之间可能不需要经常进行通信,这样导致路由器的接口没被充分利用。 为了解决物理接口需求过大的问题,在VLAN技术的发展中,出现了另一种路由器——独臂路由器,用于实现VLAN间通信的三层网络设备路由器,它只需要一个以太网接口,通过创建子接口可以承担所有VLAN的网关,而在不同的VLAN间转发数据。 如上图所示,路由器仅仅提供一个以太网接口,而在该接口下提供三个子接口分别作为3个VLAN用户的缺省网关,当VLAN100的用户需要与其它VLAN的用户进行通信时,该用户只需将数据包发送给缺省网关,缺省网关修改数据帧的VLAN标签后再发送至目的主机所在VLAN,即完成了VLAN间的通信。 第三种解决办法就是三层交换机,它是将路由器和交换机合成的一种设备,融合了路由器和交换机各自的优势 图中的路由器相当于存在与交换机中的一个路由软件模块,它实现三层路由转发;而交换机相当于二层交换模块,它实现VLAN内的二层快速转发。其用户设置的缺省网关就是三层交换机中虚拟VLAN接口的IP地址 Each FortiGate unit supports multiple management interfaces: -Every unit supports a powerful, Web-based GUI, as well as a command-line interface (CLI) -All FortiGate units can log to an external syslog server, and most contain an internal 20 Gbyte hard disk for logging traffic, attacks, and admin events. -Each FortiGate unit also supports a number of SNMP MIBS for integration with 3rd party network management tools. Given these challenges, customers are asking for systems that optimize workloads depending on the applications they are running, at the best price points and at maximum performance. Depending on the application, the best approach could be vertical or horizontal computing, or typically a combination of both. This slide illustrates the reach of systems from the heart of the data center to the network edge. The back-end of the data center will almost always require vertical scalability - large SMP servers – for what we call the data center and application tiers. For workloads running from the edge of the network out to the client tier, horizontally scaled servers are often the most appropriate choice. For high performance technical computing workloads, which span the spectrum from 64-bit graphics workstations to large SMP data base servers, both vertical and horizontally scaled servers come in to play depending on the specific need. This slide illu


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