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* Ridge--脊背 stalk--茎、柄 protuberance--隆起 * S1以及S18、S21组成的结构域负责与mRNA、起始tRNA和IF3因子的结合 * P位点上涉及的主要蛋白有L2、L27以及L14 、L18、L24 、L33,此外16SrRNA的3‘端区域也是P位点不可缺少的组成成分 * 5s rRNA位点靠近肽基转移酶位点,5SrRNA与tRNA的T4C环的互补可能与tRNA进入有关,但还缺乏有力证据 * 肽基转移酶位点---Peptidyl transferase * 脱酰基tRNA转移至E位点使A位点出现有利于新的氨酰-tRNA结合的构象(空间结构改变);当新的氨酰-tRNA与A位点结合后,使E位点结构改变,脱酰基-tRNA脱离E位点 The 70S ribosome consists of the 50S subunit (blue) and the 30S subunit (purple) with three tRNAs located superficially: yellow in the A site, blue in the P site, and red in the E site * 同义codon : 代表同一种AA的codon 只有三个codon的第三位碱基有意义,即AUG、UGG和UGA,因此第三位的C和U在任何codon中均没有特殊意义,A在AA的codon中也是如此----即密码子的第三位碱基有一定的灵活性 * A、密码子的专一性主要由前两个碱基决定 b、反密码子的第一个碱基决定一个tRNA所能解读的密码子数目 C、编码同一个氨基酸的密码子的前两个碱基有任何差异时,所涉及的tRNA不同 * ? tRNA 分子的拓扑结构中,相邻碱基间存在着碱基堆积力 ? 摇摆位点 34th-Nt 处于堆积碱基的末端,所受堆积力较小,有较大的自由度来进行选择配对 * 线粒体密码的整齐划一性质与其tRNA数目少相一致 G与嘧啶配对,经过修饰的 U与嘌呤配对 * * * 如噬菌体 · X174 基因组中 A24%,C22%,G23%,T31%,,所以其密码子的第三位出现U的机率最多 中度重复基因tRNA的拷贝数与codon使用频率的对应 * 需要量少的蛋白质, mRNA 转录速率较低时除外 * 2. 5 基因概念的多样性 * 指第一个肽键形成以前的各步反应 * * aaRS The interaction between aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases and tRNAs has been referred to as the “second genetic code,” reflecting its critical role in maintaining the accuracy of protein synthesis. The “coding” rules appear to be more complex than those in the “first” code. * 目前认为,该酶对tRNA的识别,是因为在tRNA的氨基酸臂上存在特定的识别密码,即第二套遗传密码。 From GENE IX There are few detailed measurements of the error rate in vivo, but it is generally thought to lie in the range of one error for every 104 to 105 amino acids incorporated. Considering that most proteins are produced in large quantities, this means that the error rate is too low to have any effect on the phenotype of the cell. Probably any member initially can contact the active center by a random-hit process, but then the wrong members are rejected and only the appropriate one is accepted. The appropriate member is always in a minority (one of twenty amino acids, one of -40 tRNAs, one of four bases)


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