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第十二章 薪酬管理 ?每一个报酬成分都有其潜在的战略影响。 Rewards Compensation 报酬(reward):员工从企业那里得到的作为个人贡献回报的他认为有价值的各种东西 Employee compensation雇员薪酬 All forms of pay or rewards going to employees and arising from their employment. Direct financial payments Pay in the form of wages, salaries, incentives, commissions, and bonuses. Indirect financial payments Pay in the form of financial benefits such as insurance. 薪酬管理:企业在经营战略和发展规划的指导下,综合考虑内外部各种因素的影响,确定自身的薪酬水平、薪酬结构和薪酬形式,并进行薪酬调整和薪酬控制的整个过程。 Corporate Policies, Competitive Strategy, and Compensation公司政策、竞争战略与薪酬 Aligned reward strategy整体性薪酬战略 The employer’s basic task is to create a bundle of rewards—a total reward package—specifically aimed at eliciting the employee behaviors the firm needs to support and achieve its competitive strategy. 组织的根本任务是创建一揽子的报酬方案——如何利用报酬计划引发雇员作出组织所需要的行为 Developing an Aligned Reward Strategy Compensation Policy Issues Pay for performance Pay for seniority The pay cycle Salary increases and promotions Overtime and shift pay Probationary pay Paid and unpaid leaves Paid holidays Salary compression Geographic costs of living differences 影响薪酬管理的主要因素 企业薪酬和策略和企业发展战略的关系 有效薪酬管理的原则 合法性 公平性 及时性 经济性 动态性 基本薪酬设计的程序 请思考: 在同一企业内,如何比较分配起重工、焊工、保安和冲床工的工资? 薪酬设计步骤之一:确定薪酬战略 高于市场水平?持平?低于? 企业文化与薪酬战略的匹配? 高工资低福利?还是低工资高福利? 薪酬的偏向? 薪酬的竞争优势? 薪酬设计步骤之二:工作评价 Job evaluation工作评价 A systematic comparison done in order to determine the worth of one job relative to another 对各种职位进行正式的、系统的相互比较的过程,通过这一过程可以确定一种职位相当于其他职位的价值,从而最终以此来确定工资或薪资的结构等级。 . 1.直接排序法 将所有工作岗位成对地加以比较,价值较高者可得1分 ,最后相加,按分数高低顺排列划定职务等级 。 Raters categorize jobs into groups or classes of jobs that are of roughly the same value for pay purposes. 职位分类法是评价者将工作划分成一个个具有类似薪酬目标的职位群或职位类。 Classes contain similar jobs.职级中包括类似的工作 Grades are jobs that are similar in difficulty but otherwise different.职等中包括的工作在完成的困难程度上是类似的,但在其他方面却不同。 A quantitative technique that involves: Identifying the degree to which each compensable factors are present in the job. Awarding points for each degree of each factor. Calculating


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