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後現代與德育研究--多元文化的德育出路 李奉儒 (摘要) 本文只是作為一位關心德育者在面對後現代狀況,從現代性的自我批判及自我解構中,對於德育理論和實踐的出路作一初步探索。後現代主義自本世紀五十、六十年代興起後,現代性逐漸成為被質疑、批判或否定的焦點。究竟後現代主義和多元主義將導致理性決定行為的消失,或者將引導至一更為民主和理性形式的道德行為,將是本文探究的重點。 後現代對於現代的挑戰,使得道德教育的探究,特別是從後現代主義及文化多元主義的理論角度來探究,更顯得迫切有必要。近年來,後現代主義的討論在許多學科中有著激烈的論辯,但有關其對道德教育理論與實務的影響之探討卻較少引起學者的關注。因此,本文寫作動機就是希望在這方面踏出第一步,探究後現代主義或在當代社會中對於道德教育實務的啟示,以及嘗試對道德現象作一新的理解。 本文首先將就現代的道德觀加以分析,特別是探究康德和哈伯瑪斯的倫理主張。其次,針對後現代對於現代性的批判,試圖尋繹其中心論點在德育上可能的影響。第三,本文也將從文化多元主義的立場來看道德多元主義,並一同討論道德相對主義的問題。最後,則是就本文討論的發現來加以說明後現代多元文化中德育的可能出路。 Morality in Modern and Postmodern Perspective: Moral Education in a Multicultural Society Abstract (by Eric F.J. Lee) This essay is to address some implications for the theory and practice of moral education in a multicultural society, by the study of morality from both modern and postmodern perspectives. Since the emergence of postmodernism in the 1950s and 1960s, the cluster of modern conceptions has gradually become the target of criticisms. Therefore, one of our main concerns throughout this essay is to investigate whether postmodernism and pluralism will lead to the demise of rational decision-making or are in fact conducive to a more democratic and more rational form of moral behaviour. The challenges to modernity made by postmodernism have raised some important issues about the study of moral education. However, few of the theorists paid their attention to this important topic, that is, moral education, in their debating with each other. Hence, this essay tries to make a first step towards the exploration of postmodernism and moral education. This essay firstly analyzes modern theories of I. Kant‘s universalistic ethics and J. Habermas’ discourse/ communicative ethics. Secondly, it focuses on the main features of modernity and postmodern condition, and it also tries to make some of their implications for moral education more clear. Subsequently, the essay discusses cultural pluralism with regard to cultural relativism, in order to get a better picture of


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