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?国旗:呈长方形,长与宽之比为3:2。由三个平行相等的竖长方形组成,中间为白色,两侧为红色,白色长方形中间有国徽图案。白色象征自由、民主、和平与幸福;红色象征人民在独立战争中取得的胜利,也表示人民对烈士的怀念。 国徽: 中心图案为盾徽。盾面左上方是一只南美骆马,为该国国兽,代表国家的动物资源,也是秘鲁民族的象征之一;右上方是一棵金鸡纳树,代表该国的植物资源;下半部为一只象征丰饶的羊角,代表该国的自然资源和矿藏。盾徽上端为一个绿枝叶环;两侧各有两面秘鲁国旗。 国花: 向日葵(sunflower) 国树:金鸡纳树 国兽:骆马 独立日:7月28日(1821年) 国庆日:7月28日(1821年) 安第斯山脉中的马丘比丘古城遗迹是目前保存最完好的印加古城之一,1983年被列入世界文化遗产名录 1. On which Tours can you visit the famous Inca ruins of the city of Machu Picchu? A. Tour 1 and Tour 2 B. Tour 2 and Tour 3 C. Tour 1 and Tour 3 D. Tour 3 and Tour 4 2. If you want to get an opportunity to learn about the Uros Indian’s life, you can choose _________ . A. Tour 1 B. Tour 2 C. Tour 3 D. Tour 4 3. You can ________ on Tour 4. A. explore the jungle B. enjoy some excellent food C. buy some great souvenirs D. Stay with a local family for a fully-day Listen for information the general information about PERU Task 2: Read for information ______ 1. Mike, a well-paid photographer, who has great interest in adventuring and exploration. He hopes to have an active holiday and shoot some pictures of different kinds of birds. _______ 2. Elisabeth, who has retired recently, is planning for a leisurely vacation. She hopes to visit the museums, buy something special and taste some delicious food. ________3. Alessandro, a hiking lover, hopes to spend some days hiking while enjoying the beautiful natural scenery. _______ 4. Alfred and his girlfriend. Not only do they hope to have a chance to experience local people’s life, but also like to go traveling by boat in a romantic way. Tour 1 Tour 2 * 1. Which continent is Peru in? 2. Which country once conquer Peru? 3. Which mountains are in Peru? Rocky mountains Andes Mountains Himalayas Mountains Alps Mountains Andes Mountains 4. Which is the national flag of Peru? A B C D 5. Which city is the capital of Peru? 6. What does Machu Picchu mean in Quechua (盖丘亚族人语)language? Strong empir


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