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showing a relatively independent form. The old town and the road network has been developed along the South, road networks are well-shaped grid structure. The nanxi area, the minjiang River area, dvn group and other area roads has not developed to a certain size showing a relatively independent form. The old town and the road network has been developed along the South, road networks are well-shaped grid structure. The nanxi area, the minjiang River area, dvn group and other area roads has not developed to a certain size 4 showing a relatively independent form. The old town and the road network has been developed along the South, road networks are well-shaped grid structure. The nanxi area, the minjiang River area, dvn group and other area roads has not developed to a certain size 中 药 生 药 标 本 品 名: 党参 规格: 饮片 产地: 甘肃 来 源: 桔梗科植物党参、素花党参或川党参的干燥根 性味归经: 功 效: 供样单位: 浙江XX中药饮片有限公司 中 药 生 药 标 本 品 名: 车前子 规格: 饮片 产地: 江西 来 源: 车前科植物车前或平车前的干燥成熟种子 鉴定人: XXX 鉴定日期: 2010.11.20 鉴定依据: 中国药典2010版一部 供样单位: 浙江XX中药饮片有限公司 中 药 生 药 标 本 品 名: 牛膝 规格: 饮片 产地: 河南 来 源: 苋科植物牛膝的干燥根 鉴定人: XXX 鉴定日期: 2010.11.20 鉴定依据: 中国药典2010版一部 供样单位: 浙江XX中药饮片有限公司


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