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* * * * 主詞與動詞的掌握 刪除不認識的單字 將句子分解成小的單位 分出主要結構與次要結構 找出特出文法與句型結構 找出主要的結構與從屬的結構 依照句法的結構及句中的字詞將常句拆解成小單元 依照各單元的語意,串接成完整的語意 將長句拆解成語意小單元需要一些練習,如何依照一些基本的規則將其拆解: 找出主詞+動詞結構成唯一獨立小單元;如果主詞太長,主詞本身就可以是獨立的語意小單元 表示時間、地點或是情況的一些字詞可以組成語意小單元 一些修飾語可以獨立形成語意小單元 被逗點(,)分割的字詞也可以獨立成小單元 * * 2. The person who builds the highest word house in twenty minutes wins the game. (97年國中基測) 1. 先找出主要結構與從屬結構:找出主詞與動詞 主要結構:The person / wins the game 主詞:The person; 動詞: wins 次要結構:who builds the highest word house 主詞: who (指的是The person);動詞:builds 2. 依照句法結構及句中的字詞組合,將句子拆解成小單元如下: The person / wins the game. (這個人/ 贏得比賽。) who builds / the highest word house / in twenty minutes (這個人/ 蓋最高的字屋 / 在二十分鐘內。) 3. 整句的拆句方式: The person / who builds / the highest word house / in twenty minutes / wins the game. (這個人/ 蓋了/ 最高的字屋/ 在二十分鐘內 / 贏得了比賽。) * * * * Most of the women that I spoke with seemed to be insulated from feminist thought and the feminist movement as we know it in the United States. The Paralympics are Olympic-style games for athletes with a disability, / They were organized for the first time in Rome in 1960 . In Toronto in1976 ,the idea of putting together different disability groups for sports competitions was born. /Today, the Paralympics are sports events for athletes from six different disability groups. They emphasize the participants athletic achievements instead of their physical disability. /The games have grown in size gradually. The number of athletes participating in the Summer Paralympics Games has increased from 400 athletes from 23 counties in 1960 to 3806 athletes from 136 countries in 2004. (98大考學測) * * * * * * 陳超明 政治大學英文系 * * 強化大考英文能力:單字與閱讀學習 * * (二)基本認識類: words for recognition (一)實際產出類: words for production (三)背景資訊類: words for background information 口語溝通:大約二、三千個單字就可以應付日常生活(指的是個人說寫單字量), 閱讀單字:大約必須超過一萬字,閱讀才不用一直查字典。 英檢測驗:多益考試,認識單字與使用單字大約要會七千個單字;全民英檢也需要約七千個單字,中高級以上的考試,當然單字量要更多。一般來說,單字涵 蓋率如果超過70%以上,就可以理解該篇文章。 核心單字 (core vocabulary): 大考1500;國際溝通1500 * * 英文單字絕對是影響英語能力的關鍵,但是背單


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