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1.1 Today’s Operational US Environmental Satellite System Today’s United States’ Operational Environmental Satellite system consists of a mix of polar orbiting and geostationary satellites. There are two major constellations in the current space-based GOS. One constellation is the various geostationary satellites, which operate in an equatorial belt and provide a continuous view of the weather from roughly 70?N to 70?S. At present there are satellites at 0? longitude and 63?E (operated by the European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites - EUMETSAT), a satellite at 76?E (operated by the Russian Federation), a satellite at 105?E (operated by the Peoples Republic of China), a satellite at 140?E (operated by Japan), and satellites at 135?W and 75?W (operated by the USA). The second constellation in the current space-based GOS comprises the polar-orbiting satellites operated by the Russian Federation, the USA and most recently the People’s Republic of China. The METEOR-3 series has been operated by the Russian Federation since 1991. The polar satellite operated by the USA is an evolutionary development of the TIROS satellite, first launched in April l960. The present NOAA series, based on the TIROS-N system, has been operated by the USA since l978. FY-1C, the third in the series of China’s polar-orbiting satellites, is now operational with an improved ten channel imager. These spacecraft provide coverage of the polar regions beyond the view of the geostationary satellites and fly at altitudes of 850 to 900 km. Together, the polar-orbiting and geostationary satellites constitute a truly global meteorological satellite network. 灵敏度:仪器的灵敏度就是它的示度在被测要素改变单位物理量时所移动的距离、旋转的角度或显示输出量的大小。即:指单位待测量的变化所引起的指示仪表输出的变化。如果被测要素的物理量改变Δx,相应仪器示度改变量为Δy, 则灵敏度表示为:Δy/Δx 例如:玻璃温度表的灵敏度的单位为mm/1℃ 10mm/1℃>5mm/1 ℃ 由于观测者的感官功能有一定限度,要求正确迅速地读出仪器示度,就必须要求仪器具有适当的灵敏度。但片面要求高灵敏度也是不实际的,会使仪器变的庞大。 如:灵敏度1m/1℃的温度表,50℃的测量范围的话,温度表起码要50m高。 惯性(滞后性) 仪器的惯性——仪器的动态响应速度。 具有两重性,


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