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Avoid “run-on sentences”Learn to “combine sentences”“I feel good!”Stand upRaise your handsStretch your bodyShake hands“I feel good!”How to use “Commas” “Full stops” in a compositionIf there is no conjunction, can sentences be connected by “commas”?How to use “Commas” “Full stops” in a compositionThe methods to avoid “run-on sentences”: 1) change “comma” with “full stop” 2) change “comma” with “semicolon” 3) add “conjunction” between sentences 4) change verbs into “nonfinite verbs” How to use “Commas” “Full stops” in a compositionThe methods to combine sentences:介词短语法(preposition phrase)并列连词法 (coordinating conjunction)从属连词法(名定状)(subordinating conjunction)非谓语动词法(分词、不定式、动名词)(nonfinite verb)同位语短语法(appositive)The common puzzles from the “Pre-class Report”1) Dogs are able and willing to learn a wide variety of tasks. They are intelligent and devoted to their owners.2) One cheats on tests repeatedly. This is risky. This is self-defeating.3) Tom was an even-tempered man. He was nevertheless extremely angry when he heard the news. 4) 新盖中盖高钙片,水果味,一天一片,效果不错,还实惠!5) 大今野大面块,六袋顶七袋,一箱等于多四袋!“Follow-ups 1- 4”Follow up faster than the others and offer a “different, correct and good” sentence.If your answer is…,you may get…. different 1 point different and correct 2 point different, correct and good 3 point correct other groups’ mistakes 4 point“Follow-ups: 1- 4”G1G2G3G4G5S1S2S3S4S5score【Note】: presented=1 points; correct=2 points; good=3 points; correct others=4 pointsDescribe the scene in the picture学生习作课堂即时展评使用手机拍照,通过Wechat或QQ软件,发送至电脑,可以即时通过大屏幕来展示。学生针对屏幕展示的习作,研讨修改。minutes’A naughty boy was speaking to his deskmate, a pretty girl, through a rolled book, which annoyed the girlvery much.. Somewhile somecomes fromSix factors for a high-markComposition:handwriting,correct,brief, fluent,logic,idiomaticWhat a heavy rain! It is said that in rainy days music better matches chocolates!雨这么大!听说下雨天,音乐和巧克力更配呦!教室这么大!听说大教室,掌声和努力更配呦!What a big hall! It is believed that in a big h


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